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Content within Iframes is not from but from a third party. It is the epitome of free speech, and because of that, any questionably illegal content is not endorsed nor condoned by the owner of, a reporting system is set up to report such content to the board owners and site administrator. Third party sites and the /Qresearch/ and related boards are linked solely for educational purposes.

Bypass the MSM corrupt media machine Q and anon flanking operations

Needed positions in this Information War are as follows:

Bakers: Needed to set up and update breads. Breads are what anons post in. Very prestigious and honorable position. A lot of responsibility, but if your good at it, its easy. Copy Pasting and Quick Focused Reading Skills needed

Researchers: If you are into investigation type activities this is always fun. It's just digging for dirt on anyone really. Can you find the connections? There are still a lot of dirt bags out there. There is no way we have ID'd them all yet.  We're here for the truth. Suited for the analytically and curious minded.

Memers: Photo and video manipulation. Sense of humor and some technical computer skills desired. Conveys the story

The Midnight Riders / Paul Reveres: The Messengers. The ones who read and push and shape the real narrative. Always agile, always improving. Build each other up, but keep each other in check. Be careful who you follow. Trust but verify. You are the news now. Handle With Care

Archivers: Our history is vital to our national heritage. The ones who fought and sacrificed for their fellow man should be honored and remembered, we do this to inspire the next generation to follow and continue in our footsteps. The travesties witnessed should be documented and presented for our children, so that our achievements may not be lost. Archive Offline.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it

Other:  Poll Workers, Door Knockers, Community Volunteers, Organizers, Bloggers, Local Officials Etc. Anything you can think of to help out, make an effort to do it.  We need to become more involved in our political processes. For our generation and the next.


If you need a platform and would like to blog on this site, let me know. I can open up credentials to allow you to create posts and help build a historical timeline from the perspective of anons.  If you have any questions please direct them to has been a /qresearch/ back channel notabled aggregator since 2019.


Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 00-27-58 Q Research General #24658 Biden's Motorcade Incident Edi

Who am I?

I was deployed to Iraq during the Bush to Obama Transition in 2008 approximately 1/4th Bush, 3/4 Obama. Up to that point in my life I had never really paid attention to politics. I was only 20. To be honest, I never understood why we were in Iraq in the first place. Shortly after Obama was elected I started noticing major changes within the military structure and the policy changes that went into effect. I was an E-5 at time and had my head on pretty straight as they would say. During our deployment we were briefed that we were no longer allowed to load and ready our weapons prior to engagement with the enemy. Even then, it was required to  get permission from the Senior Convoy Commander to return fire. This effectively made us rolling targets and after a while, the people we were there to help suppress with just our presence, became bolder.


At 22 years old my contract with the Army was complete. Although I wanted to reenlist, I returned home. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. I tried to blend in with society and hoped everything would resolve itself on its own. I went to a two year college for a medical related certificate where I met my wife. I graduated at the top of my class but soon found out I wasn't cut out for a low end doctors office gig. I wasn't passionate about the field and saw no need to waste any more time pursuing that path. I started learning about politics to educate myself while at mind-numbing factory jobs and while working around the house. Rush, Beck, and Savage were my daily three. My wife and I had started a family a little before Sandy Hook happen in 2012. The urgency became apparent to me. I started listening to Jack Spirko's "The Survival Podcast" daily. I became somewhat of a prepper and moved my family out of the city. We bought a farm house with some land, and I started learning how to hunt and farm. I am appreciative to Jack for his basic survival skills and prepping show, but the show took a different direction a few years back and I lost interest. If you can find the mp3 archives of his first couple hundred episodes they are packed with great information, and new episodes may be OK I just haven't had the need to learn more in that field lately.

Learning all this new information opened many doors of research and learning for me. In 2016 I started to seeing groups of patriots gathering in places like Twitter and r/The_Donald. I became captivated by posts that started appearing from the subreddit r/CBTS_stream (banned).  Q Post 614, January 27th, 2018, a YouTube link to a video labeled "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" was the first posts I remember seeing "live". My curiosity got to me. I wasn't there for the very first post, but I have read them all. After watching for a while, I recognized it as a highly organized and sophisticated operation. It had the fingerprints of US Mil all over it.


I lurked for about 8 months, and witnessed many coincidences and Q proofs, but really didn't really get fully on board until late October of 2018 when I ended up on the 8ch /Qresearch/ board. At first I was admittedly nervous, but I knew deep down that the world was so screwed up at that point anyways, what difference did it make. Seeing what was being dropped and the realization of what that meant if those people ever took back power, was something I wasn't willing to sit idly by and risk for my Country.


I vividly remember stepping outside my house late one fall night in 2018 for a smoke, and watched the lightning from a storm rolling in, light up the sky. I like to use moments like this to speak with God. I asked God if what I was witnessing with the Q operation was real, I will never forget what happened immediately after... The longest rumble of thunder I have ever heard in my life, came roaring out from the approaching storm front. When I say long - I mean at a minimum, 2 minutes long. A medium to loud continuous rumble of the whole atmosphere.  My entire body felt consumed by the Holy Spirit and He fell me to my knees. In that moment,  I knew.  He has shown me grace and guidance many times over the last 3 years and has shown me He is with me. As I reflect on the timing of events in my life and the lessons learned from those event's, I can see God's guiding hand throughout my entire life's story, the good times and the bad. I truly believe God has given me a mission. What the final product looks like, I do not yet know. My goal right now is to educate the next generation of anons. After years of this psychological warfare, I am admittedly very tired. I have a family of 5, and a newborn, that deserve much more of my energy and attention. Ive been at this almost non stop since Jan 2018, and my wife has seen first hand the spark of light that has overcome me and the personal and professional growth that I have achieved, despite some pretty intense PTSD issues that used to overwhelm me at times. However I know she and my children need more of me.

The war that we are fighting has nothing to do with political parties or candidates, but more on the realm of right vs wrong and good vs evil.


The most important things that I have learned thus far, is to research for yourself, and trust yourself.  Do not rely on anyone to give you the full story. Many that I have relied on over the years have ultimately disappointed me to some extent. Some big names too. I have also likely disappointed some of you over the years. I am not a professional anon, but a patriot, an Army veteran that stands by my oath, and a father to children who must not inherit our current reality without a fight. I'm doing what I can, when I can, to the best of my ability. I work a 40 hour a week job and attempt to maintain multiple social media accounts, this website, and archive as much as I possibly can. In addition to that my wife and I home school,  maintain a small hobby farm, sustenance garden. My plate is full.  This website will be updated and maintained, but my ability to spread the word about has been silenced on the opposition sites. time spent getting censored in echo chambers of feels like a waste of time so I focus on equipping and building and transferring notables back and forth. Qnotables grows when you share our links with new or lost anons looking for direction.

We will remain ad free and open to help. This website was never meant to be like /qresearch/ It was meant to help make the Information that we gather on /qresearch/ available to a larger audience that may feel more comfortable here. Not everyone enjoys or can even handle the psychological war that anons battle daily. This is my attempt to provide them a place to learn at their own pace.

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.


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