3 Chicago area pizza locations shut down for "violating tax regulationsThe_RoosterOct 29, 2021Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 20:49:30 e70929 (5) No.14875481All 3 Locations of Parlor PIZZA in Chicago Raided by Law Enforcement and Shut Down “For Violating Tax Regulations” Could this be where Barry ordered $60,000 worth of pizza from? https://twitter.com/dawnstar1776/status/1453883593801879553?s=21 Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 20:57:45 1714c8 (2) No.14875542 Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 21:06:11 e70929 (5) No.14875583 https://news.yahoo.com/feds-raid-pizza-parlor-restaurants-003300110.html
Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 20:49:30 e70929 (5) No.14875481All 3 Locations of Parlor PIZZA in Chicago Raided by Law Enforcement and Shut Down “For Violating Tax Regulations” Could this be where Barry ordered $60,000 worth of pizza from? https://twitter.com/dawnstar1776/status/1453883593801879553?s=21 Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 20:57:45 1714c8 (2) No.14875542 Anonymous 10/28/21 (Thu) 21:06:11 e70929 (5) No.14875583 https://news.yahoo.com/feds-raid-pizza-parlor-restaurants-003300110.html