#6139 Baker Change
>>4810277 New DJT - major announcement on popcorn saturday
>>4810150 POTUS letter to NP today, re abortion
>>4810131 GWB has dropped the dimes! anon theory
>>4809777 17 seconds into POTUS' tweeted video, video attached
>>4809842 Q Clock update - rr crumbs
>>4809823 Caravan Update, New Caravan enters mexico (update and links)
>>4809927 some notes on todays JW - $184.587.81 Pelosi trip
>>4810124 Pelosi spotted at Reagan Int - looks like its inflight booze time
>>4810380 Police arrest Toronto man, possible large sex traff ring
>>4809612 ‘Fortnite’ has become a money laundering paradise.
>>4809596 No press briefings from Sarah Sanders?
>>4809446 Anon: Correlation between DJT's tweet and Q's description of evil deeds?
>>4809014 Filed under 'oh no': POTUS claims he didn't know Barr was best friends with Mueller.
>>4809216 FLOTUS with the graceful troll.
>>4809178 Marketfag points to unusual volume.
>>4809161 GWB delivers pizzas to federal personnel.
>>4809029 A Federal appeals court just took a big swing at Planned Parenthood.
>>4808803 POTUS winning: China offers to ramp up US imports.
>>4808613 Son of Joe Biden working for Burisma. (Ukraine)
>>4808496 US DoD: "Save time and refuel while you fly!"
>>4808312 Continued Pelosi cave dig.
>>4808277 Another RBG obligation being pushed down the road.
>>4808258 Anon: NP's cancelled trip not like her past overseas visits.
>>4808254 Brad Parscale: "The orders are flying in. Might hit our goal fastest ever!"
>>4808126 Gen. Dunford receives decoration in the Netherlands for his service towards international peace and security.
>>4807966 Drug companies used shortages, recalls to hike prices as much as 1,137 percent, report finds.
>>4807947 Popcorn to hand: EU braces for Brexit.
>>4807722 Michael Cohen shows up with black eye and arm in sling after report comes out.
>>4807619 US to buy two Iron Dome batteries as first part of $1.7b missile defense project.
>>4807607 Gov. DeSantis suspends Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher.
>>4807542 Anon suggests digging around caves and tunnels in California.
>>4807508 MSM trying to spin witness intimidation narrative around Cohen / Trump? 35-32
>>4806703 Mexico opens border for new migrant caravan
>>4806721 Start of dig on Broward Human Trafficking Coalition
>>4806743 UK May refuses to continue Brexit talks w/opposition party leaders
>>4806756 Doug Costle, EPA founder and former top admin, dies
>>4806796 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulator discussing plan to end conservatorship
>>4806807 Top Hussein WH lawyer made false statements to DOJ re: Manafort-related work
>>4806855 More on the Pelosi wine caves
>>4806860 NJ man indicted on cp charges
>>4806972 POTUS announcing pro-life declaration at March For Life
>>4807117 FBI probing possible Chinese real estate developer bribes to Los Angeles officials
>>4807213 More data re: Pelosi/scumbags flying on US military’s dime
>>4807278 On March For Life attendees and MSM failing to report correct numbers
>>4805937 One year delta on “where is AS”
>>4806178 Review of Q crumbs from last year
>>4806361 Report on industrial companies boosting recent Wall Street gains
>>4805187, >>4805337 Shock Poll: Trump Gains 19 Points with Latino Voters During Border Wall Shutdown
>>4805262, >>4805304 NP cancels Afganistan Commercial flight "after" POTUS declas. Fake News spinning hard.
>>4805367, >>4805388, >>4805395 New POTUS twats, Never seen the Republican party so unified. No "CAVE". America First! MAGA.
>>4805405 Chris Matthews: Trump’s Letter to Pelosi Made Democrats ‘Look Like Fools’
Baker Change
>>4804355 Vidya of Pelosi flyin on her broomstick. For keks.
>>4804360, >>4804487, >>4804548 Buzzfeed at it again, Cohen and "real" estate edition. Who leaked this time? NO EVIDENCE.
>>4804404, >>4804445, >>4804700 POTUS Tweet and info, people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in! Ref to NP's vineyard?
>>4804428 OMB (Mick Mulvaney) issues guidence on Reduction in Force layoffs. PAIN coming?
>>4804393 Perspective: The Wall = $57 dollars out of annual budget of $44,000.
>>4804479 Anon puts together healthy dose of research on January habbenings.
>>4804712 Industrial output increases as Auto Plant Production Surges
>>4804765 Nancy has her own Pay to Play.
>>4803627 Here's A Potential Proof That The 11:11PM POTUS Tweet, DARKNESS TO LIGHT Marker.
>>4803629 A Wall Americans Paid For
>>4803687 The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Is Reviewing Its Gift Acceptance Policies
>>4803711, >>4803789, >>4803848, >>4803872 Who knows what [Subversion] she had planned for this trip
>>4803722, >>4803751, >>4803729, >>4803770 ‘Sky Canvas’ satellite aiming to create Earth’s 1st artificial meteor shower
>>4803954 Claims to be the (Largest) producer of "Licit" Opium derivatives.
^^Baker Change^^
>>4804022 Malaysia To Goldman: Pay Us $7.5 Billion And We Will Drop 1MDB Charge. Economic hitmen finally charged?
>>4804180 New POTUS tweet. People coming across the border from many countries.
>>4802868, >>4803004, >>4803087, >>4803155, >>4803230, >>4803292 Some Initial Digs On Resigning Rep. Tom Marino R-PA 12th
>>4802984, >>4803030, >>4803502, >>4803482 How Many Normies Get The Implications Of POTUS Cancelling Pelosi / Schiff Trip?
>>4803257 UK Authorities Censure RT Revealing Policy To Keep Alternative Voices Out Of MSM. RT's Response
>>4803308 Facebook Removed Hundreds Of Russia-Initiated Accounts
>>4803323 21 Dead In Car Bomb Attack On Colombian Police Academy
>>4803375, >>4804102 EU Foreign-Policy Chief Federica Mogherini Was Scheduled To Meet U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
>>4803504 Oleg’s ‘Sparrow’ Anastasia Vashukevich Arrested In Moscow