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6160-6169 LOAF

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

Notables are not endorsements

All 8ch links should be considered NSFW and it is suggested to use a quality VPN as well


>>4833346 → DJT twatter on fire! Poll numbers are up from 19% to 50% for Hispanics.

>>4833321 → Shinzo Abe and Vladimir Putin on collision course over islands at summit talks in Moscow.

>>4833284 → Pelosi's In-flight food and drink costs? $101,000.

>>4833272 → Possible 1 year delta: Staying in your house/ stay at home

>>4833266 → DJT twatter: Nancy, I am still thinking about the SOTU speech.

>>4833240 → Thousands of retirees demand increased pensions (Spain).

>>4833222 → France presses Japan to accept Renault-Nissan merger

>>4833219 → Around 20,000 people protest in Beirut amid Arab League economic summit

>>4833199 → Europe's New-Generation Nuclear Plants Stagger Over The Start Line

>>4833195 → Delta 4 rocket launches NROL-71 spy satellite after a month’s worth of delays

>>4833142 → >>4833165 → >>4833182 → DJT twitter: Amnesty is not part of my offer & other twats

>>4833093 → Pope mourns Mediterranean shipwrecks that claimed 170 lives

>>4833081 → Nine Reasons to Be Skeptical of BuzzFeed’s Cohen Report

>>4833078 → Possibility Of Setting Up A Russian Military Base In The Central African Republic

>>4833058 → The Friends of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s Friends

>>4833003 → U.S. says air raid killed 52 Somali militants

>>4832892 → Russian Hooker Admits She Made Up Trump Story

>>4833427 → #6169

>>4832027 →, >>4832032 → Mexico'S Former President Enrique Pena Nieto 'Took $100m Bribe From El Chapo

>>4832049 →, >>4832061 →, >>4832654 → Dr. Mark Skidmore – Deep State Cover-Up of Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing

>>4832266 → GAA Update Spaceship Janitor Edition

>>4832439 → Left-Wing Italian Guerrilla On The Run For Three Decades Over Murder Convictions Is Arrested

>>4832478 → French Officials Say Two People Have Been Killed And 22 Others Injured In A Large Blaze

>>4832578 → Inside Mexico’s Drug Gangs Who Force Members To Eat The Hearts Of Their Victims

>>4832585 → Bomb In Syria'S Afrin Kills Three: Witnesses

>>4832609 →, >>4832660 → Admiral Rogers Report 2012, Chinese Telecommunications Companies Huawei And Zte

>>4832706 →, >>4832707 → Madhya Pradesh BJP Leader Found Dead, Shivraj Chouhan Warns Congress

>>4832722 → #6168

>>4831316 → [Trudeau] link to Wapo a Dead giveaway

>>4831323 →, >>4831363 →, >>4831365 →, >>4831529 →, >>4831659 → Power Outage in LV

>>4831435 → OPM Guidance for Shutdown Furlough from 2015

>>4831484 →, >>4831759 → Study Nazism: Documentary on Hitler and the Third Reich

>>4831603 → Large explosions rocks capital Damascus

>>4831638 →, >>4831680 →, >>4831754 → Alexander Downer comments on Brexit and an AUS-UK trade deal

>>4831689 → Soros is trying to co-opt the Yellow Vests by using them at the "Women's March"

>>4831738 → Anon on 23&Me

>>4831897 → Vehicle attack in Germany

>>4831939 → Reminder Erdogan pledged a 'safe zone' in Northern Syria after talks with POTUS

>>4832110 → #6167

>>4830524 → MAGA1776 graphics

>>4830532 → Anon on Sea to Shining Sea

>>4830654 → Virginia Senator Openly Carrying Handgun to Deter Violent Protesters

>>4830776 → Curious 23andMe twin results show why you should take DNA testing with a grain of salt

>>4830850 → Dan Scavino tweets

>>4830973 → Networks Give Roughly 15 Times More Coverage to Women’s March Than March for Life

>>4830985 → 1/22/18 crumbs

>>4831003 → Anon on Trudeau's Carbon Tax proposals

>>4831010 → POTUS instagram post

>>4831182 → Report: Facebook's privacy lapses may result in record fine

>>4831206 → #6166


#6165 Baker Change

>>4829762 →, >>4829850 → Update on the Prince Philip car crash

>>4829777 → Symbolism of the 'blessing hand'

>>4829960 → Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey is making a ‘virtual’ border wall with A.I.

>>4829998 → Ukraine Nuclear facility incident, developing

>>4830100 → Suspected Car Bomb Explosion in Londonderry

>>4830140 →, >>4830162 → Video: Jeffery Toobin actually being honest on the CommieNewsNetwork

>>4830156 → Lindsey Graham still attacking MbS

>>4830164 → Cap of info on Lockheed Martin's "Space Fence"

>>4830204 → Docs claim US trained UAE pilots for combat in Yemen

>>4830300 → Kirsten Gillibrand Announces Presidential Candidacy – Fails To Mention Her NXIVM Connections

>>4830356 → Amazon Shareholders Move to Stop Selling Facial Recognition Tech to Government Agencies

>>4830441 → #6165

>>4828999 → @DeptofDefense: Sailing together with our partners in the Pacific

>>4829057 → Ex-MI anon's game theory about pressure on the deep state

>>4829089 → Omaha Hospital Sued After Pediatric Surgeons Resign

>>4829004 → America Has Been at War 93% of the Time, 222 out of 239 Years, Since 1776

>>4828989 → Moar on Alabama Election Meddling

>>4829662 → #6164

>>4828217 →, >>4828426 →, >>4828473 →, >>4828502 → M6.7 Earthquake near the coast of Chile

>>4828227 → Did Nancy try to make a run for it? List of countries that have no extradition treaty currently with the U.S.

>>4828318 → @USArmy: "Every round has a purpose."

>>4828343 → Japanese regulator probing GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) for hoarding and misusing massive amounts of data

>>4828222 → Syria condemns US-led coalition repeated crimes against civilians, demands punishing perpetrators of such war crimes

>>4828729 →, >>4828829 → DACA Defined: numbers on the table as per POTUS speech today

>>4828912 → #6163

>>4827655 →, >>4827850 → White House Tweets Breakdown of POTUS'S Plan

>>4827502 → U.S. House of Representatives, Foreign Travel Reports

>>4827653 → ex-MIL Anon's theory on the plan

>>4827854 → Trump shutdown trap for SES employees

>>4827945 → WH tweet: President Donald J. Trump’s Plan to Reopen the Government and Fund Border Security

>>4828004 →, >>4828021 →, >>4828105 → Russians launching air strikes in Idlib, Syria

>>4828069 → 20 killed as air strikes hit IS in Syria

>>4828098 → Bulgaria extradites Russian hacker to America

>>4828151 → #6162

>>4826743 → Flynn pic - possible sunset off Newport, RI

>>4826822 → planefaggin Club gitmo

>>4826912 →, >>4826843 →, >>4827088 →, >>4827196 → anon graphic on The Standard BO twat and DJT tweets, mild sauce on the newspaper image

>>4826795 →, >>4826807 → After-Action Report From the Alabama Senate Disinformation Campaign (possible leaked report)

>>4826916 → Breitbart- Trump Jr ‘100 Percent Right’ Fake News Enemy of the People

>>4826753 → anon post -info/ disinfo mix & fake news reminder, what we do here, without revealing intel

>>4826974 → Q Calendar happenings update

>>4827055 → POTUS schedule update at :17, no travel after 17:00

>>4827356 → #6161

>>4825878 →, >>4825922 →, >>4826041 → Chuck cryin "Hostage Taking" on POTUS proposoal

>>4825901 →, >>4825914 → Sara Carter, Mittens will vote for POTUS proposal

>>4825928 → Creepy patents

>>4826021 → pharmafag on 23 and me

>>4826054 → plane crash noted

>>4826070 →, >>4826174 → Pelosi played (again) her post at 4pm, POTUS speak at 4:05pm

>>4826142 →, >>4826259 → dc-chronicle article "287 mile border wall approved"…. for Jordan

>>4825976 → Sealed indictments update

>>4826247 →, >>4826227 → Israel mumblings about Bibi and corruption charges

>>4826444 →, >>4826445 → consecutive posts on the Flynn background, sunrise or sunset?

>>4826438 → POTUS proposal room picture and Hillary xmas picture - same room

>>4826537 → #6160

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Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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