AZ Sen. Wendy Rogers Issues A Statement Amid The Upcoming Release Of The Audit Report
Earlier this week, Senate President Karen Fann had tweeted in response to rumors that an audit report was underway, saying, “Confirming audit companies are preparing the draft report to present to the senate team. Senate team will then review for accuracy and clarity for final report which will be released publicly.”
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers (R) on Saturday also weighed in and issued a statement, reassuring Americans that “the draft report should be finished this coming week”– as informed “directly” by Senate President Fann.
In a statement, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers said:
Got this directly from [Arizona State Senator President Karen Fann]:
The draft report should be finished this coming week. Then the AZ Senate’s specialized legal team will comb through it. This team includes the auditor, Senate president, Senate Judiciary chair, attorneys, and key Senate staff.
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