Bannon Blasts Joe Biden's New Campaign Ad The_RoosterJan 4, 2024Anonymous 01/04/24 (Thu) 20:25:18 61c02b (6) No.20185122Bidan’s opening salvo is 50%-60% of the country are extremist and he is running on saving democracy while trying to jail his political opponent!Bannon Blasts Joe Biden's New Campaign AdBtW he mentioned no accomplishments, because he has none.9:50 2020 ElectionJanuary 6th
Anonymous 01/04/24 (Thu) 20:25:18 61c02b (6) No.20185122Bidan’s opening salvo is 50%-60% of the country are extremist and he is running on saving democracy while trying to jail his political opponent!Bannon Blasts Joe Biden's New Campaign AdBtW he mentioned no accomplishments, because he has none.9:50 2020 ElectionJanuary 6th