bizarre article Wandering hen taken into custody at Pentagon security area
She’s now known as Henny Penny, one of the names given to the chicken that thinks “the sky is falling” in a folk tale. Our officers have chosen the name Henny Penny for our #pentagonchicken, and she will be going to live at a local animal sanctuary very soon! This one has gained notoriety of her own: Jimmy Fallon performed a song about her on “The Tonight Show.” “Are you a normal clucker or an undercover spy?” Fallon sang on his Tuesday episode. Jones said Henny Penny is being adopted by a staff member who has a small farm in western Virginia.
>>15530468 Newspaper says "Things are still not normal."
I suppose there’s room for two Commanders in this town.
>>15530577 Is that a watering can on the bench? Plants need water. kek