Damage Control: Harvey Weinstein Adviser in Line To Become White House Chief of StaffThe_RoosterJun 1, 2022Anonymous 05/31/22 (Tue) 19:37:13 457afc (12) No.16377098>Anita Dunn, the senior Biden aide best known for providing "damage control" advice to disgraced Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein, is in line to take over as White House chief of staff after the midterm elections, NBC News reports.
Anonymous 05/31/22 (Tue) 19:37:13 457afc (12) No.16377098>Anita Dunn, the senior Biden aide best known for providing "damage control" advice to disgraced Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein, is in line to take over as White House chief of staff after the midterm elections, NBC News reports.