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Doug Ford messed with the wrong Truckers

Anonymous 02/12/22 (Sat) 14:29:49 a5e6f6 (6) No.15611541

Canadian trucker says it’s been ‘illuminating’ seeing how the media has smeared him and his peers Q Research General #19741: Truckers unite to fight tyranny Edition Canadian trucker says its been illuminating seeing how the media has smeared him and his peers_v240P.mp4


Anonymous 02/12/22 (Sat) 14:44:44 66b1c0 (34) No.15611660

Ford just fucked with The Wrong Truckers! Operation Freedom Published February 12, 2022


Anonymous 02/12/22 (Sat) 14:29:45 2a4274 (3) No.15611540

It would be a shame if the truckers all withheld union dues for a while….

TEAMSTERS DENOUNCE FREEDOM CONVOY BLOCKADE AT CANADIAN BORDER February 10, 2022 WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ – The following is the official statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa regarding the ongoing blockade by the Freedom Convoy protest at the United States-Canada border. “The Teamsters Union denounces the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest at the Canadian border that continues to hurt workers and negatively impact our economy. The livelihood of working Americans and Canadians in the automotive, agricultural, and manufacturing sectors is threatened by this blockade. “Our economy is growing under the Biden Administration, and this disruption in international trade threatens to derail the gains we have made. Our members are some of the hardest workers in the country and are being prevented from doing their jobs. The Teamsters call on the organizers of this action to end this protest and instead, engage in meaningful political discourse with the Canadian government to find a solution.” Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico


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