Even the Liberal Press Noticed How Insane Biden's Vietnam Presser Was, and Democrats Are in Trouble Red State, by Bonchie Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/10/2023 8:45:30 PM As RedState reported, Joe Biden gave a presser for the ages in Vietnam on Sunday. This time, it wasn't just his senility and references to "dog-faced poney soldiers" that raised eyebrows, though. Instead, the big shocker was seeing Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, walk out to take the mic from Biden mid-sentence, even as he was trying to answer more questions. To make things even more awkward, the president then remained on the stage, rambling away. No one could hear him, though, because of the aforementioned taking of his mic. It was bad. It was really, really bad. It was so bad that even