Gen. Mark Milley Retires RoosterSep 28, 2023Anonymous 09/28/23 (Thu) 18:26:56 84951e (10) No.19628261Milley is O U T@JenGriffinFNCGeneral Mark Milley, the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, receives a clap out as he left the Pentagon today for the last time. He retires tomorrow. Gen CQ Brown will begin work at midnight Sunday.
Anonymous 09/28/23 (Thu) 18:26:56 84951e (10) No.19628261Milley is O U T@JenGriffinFNCGeneral Mark Milley, the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, receives a clap out as he left the Pentagon today for the last time. He retires tomorrow. Gen CQ Brown will begin work at midnight Sunday.