"Get vaccinated,” Biden said at a White House event. “It’s incredibly effective"The_RoosterOct 26, 2022Anonymous 10/25/22 (Tue) 17:53:17 55e6fe (1) No.17706853Not enough people vaccinated – Biden >"Get vaccinated,” Biden said at a White House event. “It’s incredibly effective" Don't take medical advice from a vegetable. ~Write that down. https://www.rt.com/news/565337-biden-covid-vaccine-booster/
Anonymous 10/25/22 (Tue) 17:53:17 55e6fe (1) No.17706853Not enough people vaccinated – Biden >"Get vaccinated,” Biden said at a White House event. “It’s incredibly effective" Don't take medical advice from a vegetable. ~Write that down. https://www.rt.com/news/565337-biden-covid-vaccine-booster/