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GETTR Shadow Bans Reporter Who Queried Ban of America First Streamer, Has 'Nothing More to Say' NF

Anonymous 01/05/22 (Wed) 19:35:44 5ade1d (55) No.15316262

GETTR Shadow Bans Reporter Who Queried Ban of America First Streamer, Has 'Nothing More to Say' Elijah Schaffer, the Blaze reporter who queried the GETTR ban of America First streamer Nick Fuentes has been shadowbanned on the platform. As National File previously reported, Nick Fuentes, the host of popular nightly show America First, was permanently banned from GETTR last month for seemingly no reason: Fuentes attempted to rejoin the platform multiple times on Tuesday evening, but was banned shortly after each time, even as viewers watched on his live stream. “If I go on there, and they ban me for being me, well what is that? It’s arbitrary, it’s discretionary, and when they ban groyper, that takes it to a different level,” Fuentes said on his stream, referring to previous reports from the Daily Beast and others that GETTR had banned the term “groyper” from their platform, a name used to describe supporters of Fuentes.


I had to look it up. I had honestly never even heard that term used. Seems like a pretty trivial thing to be silencing. I was never a fan of gettr or gab myself. I'm really suspicious of the hard GETTR push from some 'friendlies' this past week knowing that is rolling out next month. I guess we will learn who is really for America soon enough.


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