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Henry Kissinger dies aged 100

Anonymous 11/29/23 (Wed) 21:39:39 25eab5 (5) No.20000608


Anonymous 11/29/23 (Wed) 21:40:10 17b74b (6) No.20000609

Henry Kissinger dies aged 100: Colossus of the world stage and former US Secretary of State whose family fled the Nazi regime passes away at home in Connecticut Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has died at the age of 100. Kissinger, the foreign policy behemoth throughout Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford's presidencies, passed away at his home in Connecticut, his consulting firm said. In a statement, Kissinger Associates announced: 'Henry Kissinger, a respected American scholar and statesman, died today at his home in Connecticut.' Despite being over 100 years old, he still attended meetings in the White House, published a book on leadership styles, and testified before a Senate committee about the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. In July 2023 he made a surprise visit to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping. In the 1970s, he had a hand in many of the epoch-changing global events of the decade while serving as secretary of state under Republican President Richard Nixon. The German-born Jewish refugee's efforts led to the diplomatic opening of China, landmark U.S.-Soviet arms control talks, expanded ties between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and the Paris Peace Accords with North Vietnam.

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