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Hollywood Producer Calls for the Murder of Covington Catholic Kids Go Screaming into the woodchipper

Hollywood Producer Calls For the Murder of Covington Catholic Kids: ‘Go Screaming – Into the WOODCHIPPER’

Jack Morrissey, a Hollywood Producer who is known for projects such as Beauty and the Beast and the Twilight Saga, called for minor teen high school boys to be murdered in a violent, gruesome manner.

Mr. Morrissey joined the hate-filled media and piled on the Covington Catholic students after deceptively edited videos of the teens were posted to Twitter accusing them of harassing a Native American man.

Full video of the incident shows the teens did nothing wrong — they were ambushed by blacks calling them “crackers” and the Native Indian man is a far left activist who harassed the children.

In fact, upon further review of the entire video, many people are now apologizing to the Covington Catholic teens, admitting they were duped by selectively edited video and ‘fake news.’

Jack Morrissey takes the cake for the most disgusting attack on the minor Catholic boys.

“#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper,” Morrissey tweeted with a photo of a woodchipper.

Morrissey proved he’s really a cowardly keyboard warrior by locking his Twitter account after major backlash over his tweet calling for children to by murdered.

Twitter is allowing verified, blue checkmark accounts to call for the targeted harassment and violent assault of these minor high school children.

Failed actor and ‘comedian’ Ben Hoffman, who goes by the stage name ‘Wheeler Walker Jr.,’ called for violent sexual crimes to be committed against the minor teens and even offered a reward to whoever can stalk and find the minor child and “punch him in the nuts.”


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