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Writer's pictureThe_Rooster

Judge finds D.C. officials in contempt over jail conditions

Anonymous 10/13/21 (Wed) 12:09:10 9be3ac (3) No.14778399

Judge finds D.C. officials in contempt over jail conditions, calls for Justice Dept. probe of treatment of Jan. 6 riot defendants

A federal judge found the warden of the D.C. jail and director of the D.C. Department of Corrections in contempt of court Wednesday and called on the Justice Department to investigate whether the jail is violating the civil rights of dozens of detained Jan. 6 defendants.


Anonymous 10/11/21 (Mon) 04:49:36 80005f (1) No.14764218

Capitol Police Whisteblower. The fix was in!

It dropped on Friday that a Capitol Police Whistleblower had written a 16 page letter to Congress, dated September 28th, blaming the failures of the Capitol Police on senior Leadership. The two he cites to be most responsible are Yogananda Pittman and Sean

Gallagher. He says they had forehand intelligence that January 6th was going to be a shit fest and not only didn't do anything about it, like asking D.C. police for help, getting National Guard, or having officers dress up in riot gear, they also kept the intelligence that J6 was going to be a shit fest a secret from the rest of the capitol police. He goes on to further indict these leaders by saying they purposely did nothing as events were unfolding on the day, letting Capitol Police officers get bumrushed without taking any action, and just watched it all on the Command and Control screens. He says they did this for political and personal gain. Pittman and Gallagher have since been promoted, with Pittman being named chief of the Capitol Police. Finally, he says Pittman committed perjury by knowingly lying to congress. Sounds like an inside job. Read the Whistle Blower letter -




Full Whistle Blower Letter

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1 comentário

16 de out. de 2021

will anything actually happen?! why do I have my doubts? Justice is AWØL in USA





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