Leahy in the hospital Rs have the majority in the Senate nowThe_RoosterJun 30, 2022Anonymous 06/30/22 (Thu) 10:37:53 955e14 (4) No.16565040https://www.reuters.com/world/us/democrats-lose-grip-senate-while-leahy-recovers-fall-2022-06-30/ Leahy in the hospital Rs have the majority in the Senate now49(D) v 50 (R)
Anonymous 06/30/22 (Thu) 10:37:53 955e14 (4) No.16565040https://www.reuters.com/world/us/democrats-lose-grip-senate-while-leahy-recovers-fall-2022-06-30/ Leahy in the hospital Rs have the majority in the Senate now49(D) v 50 (R)