In these paragraphs, Elias possibly admits to possible collusion with possible foreign powers and possible efforts to possibly corrupt the US Intelligence Community, through possibly corrupt means, possibly with the knowledge of someone who possibly rhymes with Cillary Hinton.
Replying to @15poundstogo
someome dug this up….
Elias has a problem….
PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Interview of: Marc Elias Kathryn Ruemuller, from Lathan and Watkins, representing Marc Elias Wednesday, December 13, 2017 MR. GOWDY: Were you part of the decision on whether or not to surrender the server that had been hacked to the Bureau? MR. ELIAS: No. MR. GOWDY: Do you know anything about it? MR. ELIAS: Yes. MR. GOWDY: What do you know about it? MS. RUEMMLER: I assume that anything that you know is from a privileged.. MR. ELIAS: Correct. MS. RUEMMLER: ..communication. So I instruct you not to answer. pages 80-81
Previous Notables Re: Marc Elias
Anonymous 04/19/22 (Tue) 18:18:58 3db8cd (29) No.16>>16108370
Mark Elias