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Writer's pictureThe_Rooster

NBC's Brian Williams quits with a strange farewell message.

Anonymous 12/12/21 (Sun) 18:50:52 07a069 (1) No.15183498

Longtime news anchor Brian Williams issued a strange warning to America on Thursday as he announced his retirement from broadcasting. Set free or saying what he was instructed?


Anonymous 12/12/21 (Sun) 19:26:36 5a8841 (11) No.15183678

>I believe in this place, and in my love of country I yield to no one

Said no leftist ever, right?

>But the darkness on the edge of town has spread to the main roads, and highways, and neighborhoods. It's now at the local bar, and the bowling alley, at the school board and the grocery store and it must be acknowledged, and answered for.

Cities were obviously where the depravity was worse, and now that "darkness" (as he put it) is permeating suburbs and rural areas.

>Grown men and women who swore an oath to out constitution, elected by their constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I could only dream of have decided to join the mob and become something they are not, while hoping we somehow forget who they were.

This sounds a lot like he's talking about congress folks with "women's menstrual studies" degrees and ties to orgs like BLM, MB, and others. This does NOT sound like he's talking about Doctors and Lawyers taking a stand to defend the USA.

>They've decided to burn it all down with us inside.

Antifa, etc. This is really sounding like he's calling out Soros goons.

>That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman.

Tough job for someone that might not be as capable as they once were.

Perhaps, just maybe, Brian Williams isn't one of those "assets". Either that, or he "was" and is trying to get out having suddenly realized all those in control at the top are literal Satan worshipers. Or, maybe patriots wrote his script, and it's getting close to curtain call for a lot of these dumb fucks.

But yeah, seems a strange way to sound off.

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