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'Patriot Front' Marching in Chicago

Updated: Jan 23

Prefacing this thread with my thoughts

I know they're probably feds, I have no opinion on this as of now. I hope they stay peaceful, and this is not a false flag set up, but there have been so many clown operations in the past 4 years, trusting any group like this is difficult. I do know that this type of protest scares the fuck out of the dirty communist bastards. BLM has no beef with these people, Antifa wouldn't dare. There are millions of us waiting and willing to fight for our Country. If 'The Plan' is the Revolution as I have suspected since before the inception of this website, organization of patriots and peaceful shows of force have been squashed on all available avenues by corrupt and traitorous media outlets.

I ask, what other options are left to peacefully take back our Country? Are we not nearing the edge of destruction, at the hands of traitors? I personally have no issue with either this march, or the DC march as individual incidences. The people have the right to peacefully protest. As of now I do not support them, I do not know them. If they are Feds remember this post.

Pray for Peace

Do your own due diligence


Anonymous 01/08/22 (Sat) 16:52:55 d575a6 (7) No.15333965

Patriot Front Glowies are back…


Anonymous 01/08/22 (Sat) 16:59:03 3b23e4 (22) No.15334008


Anonymous 01/08/22 (Sat) 17:05:47 3b23e4 (22) No.15334043

>>15333965 A caravan of over a dozen private vehicles with taped-over license plates pulls up, the Patriot Front members load up their shields and flags outside Soldier Field here in Chicago


[They] want you to forget about the summer of 2020

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