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President Trump in Waterloo and Cedar Rapids, IA 10/07/23

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Anonymous 10/07/23 (Sat) 18:59:53 bb7b8a (6) No.19689226


note: Usual note taker only posted below

Will have to re-watch and write more notes later if anything was missed.


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023


President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader….things are not what they were just three years ago.

DJT: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e….there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even then; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe Biden, the thirty-year mortgage rate recently hit a twenty-three year high…Under my leadership, it hit a all-time low, in history.

DJT: Shinzo was a great guy, he was assassinated. He knew, he said we were waiting for you.

President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border….we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do.

President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month.

President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China.

President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water.



Anonymous 10/07/23 (Sat) 18:59:53 bb7b8a (6) No.19689226


2nd speech from Trump on the 7th October 2023


President Trump: A vote for Biden means the future will be made in China. A vote for President Trump means the future will be Made In America, and it will be made right here in Iowa.

President Trump: In less than three years, Biden and the radical-left communist, fascists, and marxists that occupy his office, have piled on job-killing regulatory costs equal to ten thousand dollars per household. By contrast, under the Trump administration, we cut the cost of job-killing regulation by more than any administration on our history, Eleven thousand dollars per family.

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will once again protect our jobs, we will protect our workers, and we will protect our wages, our factories, our farmers, and our cherished, most importantly, way of life. It's a way of life.

President Trump: I hear he's dropping our of the race [DeSantis], by the way, but let's see.

President Trump: The economy boomed, we created half a million new manufacturing jobs, and household incomes rose by a record six thousand dollars a year under Trump.

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, Patriotic Protectionism…will be the American Way, the American Way of Life again. Used to be that way. It's time for a rebirth of loyalty to our country. We need loyalty to our country.

President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

President Trump: Canada was very tough to deal with. Canada was tougher to deal with than China…what they did with your milk product, and all of your different products; it was like a one-sided deal for years. And now we have a deal that's great…they were tough, they were nasty.

President Trump: The invasion of Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers and citizens, is an act of savagery that must be, and will be, crushed and avenged.

President Trump: In addition to the billions of dollars given to Hamas top-funder, Iran, Joe Biden restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the very corrupt Palestinian entities.

President Trump: This guy, this poor, sad sack of a president that we have, will lead is into World War III, one hundred percent. And I hope that's a prediction that I'm wrong on.

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