Rally Night! - Looking forward to that flood Sir!!The_RoosterJan 29, 2022Anonymous 01/29/22 (Sat) 09:22:09 505fcc (2) No.15491089Looking forward to that flood Sir!!>>7884113"What storm, Mr. President?""You'll see!" - POTUSQThere's only one Q post, #3785 that says, "looking forward."https://twitter.com/realLizUSA/status/1486712297225551876?s=19 Anonymous01/29/22 (Sat) 09:24:59e971c1 (8)No.15491103>>15491089 2 days ahead Anonymous 01/29/22 (Sat) 09:28:38 e971c1 (8) No.15491116
Anonymous 01/29/22 (Sat) 09:22:09 505fcc (2) No.15491089Looking forward to that flood Sir!!>>7884113"What storm, Mr. President?""You'll see!" - POTUSQThere's only one Q post, #3785 that says, "looking forward."https://twitter.com/realLizUSA/status/1486712297225551876?s=19 Anonymous01/29/22 (Sat) 09:24:59e971c1 (8)No.15491103>>15491089 2 days ahead Anonymous 01/29/22 (Sat) 09:28:38 e971c1 (8) No.15491116