Pennsylvania - 47 USB Cards are Missing from PA
Gregory Stenstrom Data Scientist, Forensic Computer Scientist, an expert in security and Fraud.
PA State Legislature Holds Hearing on election issues and Irregularities
Crowd gasps after finding out that a mysterious spike of votes in Pennsylvania had 600,000 votes for Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Team Working to Expose Dominion Fraud
Patrick Byrne has put together a group of hackers and lawyers with the goal of getting to the Bottom of the Dominion fraud - Chanel Rion
Rush Limbaugh Passionate Man opens up about Georgia
Rush Limbaugh Passionate Man opens up about Georgia and the spineless republicans who wont stand for 'We the People'
PA Mail In Ballot Descrepencies
Mail in ballot data impossibilities noted on PAs election data website the data has been pulled from public view since the the time of OP publishing video
//Rudy Referenced the data from this clip in the Pennsylvania Hearing today 11/25/2020//
Lou Dobbs 2006 interview on Smartmatic
"The American People will not bow to fraud!"
I have one message from @GenFlynn:
"The American People will not bow to fraud!"
#StopTheSteal DC rally
United States Withdraws from Open Skies treaty with Russia
Shanghai International Airport -100,000 travelers are isolated and quarantined.
Today: Shanghai International Airport- two airport cargo employees test positive for Covid 19. Entire airport shuts down- no one can leave- 100,000 travelers are isolated and quarantined, waiting to be tested. (video from a friend who is there)