Ron Watkins On Peace, Strength and Liberty! jimisnotq Published May 18, 2022 Ron Watkins shined a light on who the enemy really is. sauce:
The war has begun
This is a war for our children's future.
This is a war for our nation.
This is a war for the very ground you stand on right now.
This is not a war between parties.
This is not a war between Left and right.
This is war of Good vs. Evil.
This is a war of Patriots vs Traitors.
We serve God, who do they serve?
We stand with the Constitution.
We Stand with Truth.
As we learn we become stronger
As we learn [they] become weaker.
We have nothing to hide and that is what they fear the most.
As we turn towards DC, we look into the eyes of the beast, and we see the beast is taking names. These names are the people standing up to tyranny. The beast is making a list. This will be a list used to persecute us. This will be a list used to censor us. This will be a list to silence us.
We will never let down our guard. We will never let loose our upright efforts.
We will never loose God and faith as our moral compass.
We will never give up. We always stand our ground.
Through peace we have strength, and through strength we have freedom.
We must take the higher ground and recognizing the attacks coming in from all direction.
We have to stand in unity against the evil.
We have to neutralize the evil.
Ultimately We will take our Country back.
Our Country was built with the blood sweat and tears of strong men and women of faith. These same strong men and women of faith will lead us out of this destruction that we are now facing.
It is because of faithless leaders and compromised career politicians that we are no facing this despair. Our Country is now in peril because of the compromised career politicians.
They got us in this mess when they voted to certify the stolen 2020 election. It is insane to expect different results while making the same mistake.
We must mobilize to secure our elections. We need more volunteers. We need more poll watchers. We need people to bring cameras and point them at those ballot drop boxes like in 2000 mules
We must mobilize everybody to ensure a free and fair election for all.
With fore-thoughts, we do not need hindsight.
By planning now, we will not regret later.
Compromised career politicians are the problem. They contribute to the evil that is taken over our Country and we must hold them accountable
We need term limits. We have political prisoners in DC right now because our compromised politicians are not doing anything.
We have to vote them out because they are not standing up to the evil.
We must bring our country back to its core values
Truth, Bravery, Respect, Responsibility and Spirituality.
Will launch ethics investigation into the stolen 2020 election.
We will bring out all the proof. we will hold all traitors and co-conspirators responsible and we will be delivering criminal referrals for both sedition and treason as appropriate
We will shine light on the truth.
Only the truth can turn our Country back around.
We Will Make Arizona Great Again.