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President Trump - CPAC Texas

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

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Why didn't they use the Horowitz report?

They Knew it was all a DNC Operation, Lock Them all up

The Entire System was Rigged against the American People



President Trump CPAC July 2021 Bloodshed and Violence are Reaching Epidemic Proportions

Homicides up

42% LA

37% Philadelphia

68% Atlanta

over 500% Portland

Some Jan 6th protestors still held in jail.


Vote for MAGA!


Nothing Happens to BLM. People that are patriots stay in jail for a long time and were not gonna take it anymore.


Vote For MAGA!


10% of democrat voters said they would have switched their votes if they had known about the corruption.

Big Tech Companies interfered and undermined with the sacred integrity of the ballot box by censoring any honest discussion of election fraud.

Art is Money Laundering.


2nd Ammendment

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed!


The Democrats are Hard at Work to Abolish the First Ammendment as Well

The Democrats are Hard at Work to Abolish the First Amendment as well.

We are taking [THEM] to federal court, and we will keep on fighting until we have restored the sacred right to Freedom of Speech for every American

This Week I filed a Major Class Action

The Truth Was Covered Up and it Had a Giant impact on the Election.

Read Time Magazine Cover Story from 4 months ago

I am still looking for the referenced Cover Story. (I Thought it was the Great Reset Cover but that was Nov 2020)

Stacey Abrams had them sign a mandated consent decree.Makes it really easy to cheat.


Maybe There is Someone Under There That's Very Unusual.


Liz Cheney is the most quoted republican of the left, and a war monger. Their bad policy is going to destroy our Country. Today's Leftist believe in Marxism, anything is justified if it advances their party.

"Talk about a rigged Election"


Suppression Polls ABC Washington Post Pushing Suppression Polls. It should be illegal.

Rassmussen 58% of the people say MSM is the enemy of the people


Do you think Biden should take a cognitive test? Maybe underneath there is someone that's very unusual.


One of the great crime fighters,Rudy Guiliani lost his law license in NY and Washington D.C. because he dared speak about a rigged election.


Russia Russia Russia

Devin Nunes - Understood what Shifty Shiff was saying was made up B.S.

"18 Angry Democrats"

Trump Exposed the biggest Russia Story the Pipeline to Europe Trump Shut it down and Biden let them Open it up.

Andy McCabe, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page.

Very disappointing Bill Barr wasn't able to hold anyone accountable.


Bidens Unprecedented Crime Wave in Democrat Cities is a result of Defund the Police Policy

Nothing Happens to BLM. People that are patriots stay in jail for a long time and were not gonna take it anymore.

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Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




-Welcome to the Deepend!

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