Rudy Giuliani Offered FBI Proof of Hunter Biden’s Child Porn — They Declined and Took Everything Else How do you know when a law enforcement agency is corrupt beyond reprieve? When they are unwilling to accept evidence of major crimes like child pornography due to political considerations. That’s what we have today with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, a federal “law enforcement” group that has no interest in solving actual crimes. During an interview released today by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani detailed the raid on his premises by the FBI. They took everything they could with a very conspicuous exception. They wanted nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s hard drives which Giuliani claims contained child pornography. “The only incriminating thing in my house are the Hunter Biden hard drives, and they wouldn’t take them,” he said. “I mean, I offered them the incriminating evidence here. I’ve got plenty of crimes for you, and the FBI said, ‘No, no, no, we don’t want that.” Huckabee was shocked. “They didn’t take the laptops, right?” That’s when Giuliani dropped the bombshell. “It contains one crime after another, including child pornography.”
THAT’S BECAUSE THE FBI ALREADY HAS IT. From: October 21, 2020 - 6:16 PM EXCLUSIVE: Allegations Hunter Biden stored child pornography on laptop sent to FBI Allegations that Hunter Biden stored photos of child pornography on his laptop computer have been forwarded to the FBI for investigation, the Washington Examiner has learned. In an interview at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal attorney, said Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, engaged for years in potentially criminal sexual behavior, while Biden family members knew about it and tried to stop him. The Washington Examiner did not see any such photographs and has not confirmed that they exist. Giuliani did not provide evidence of his allegations. The former mayor of New York did, however, show the Washington Examiner sexually explicit photographs on a laptop, which appeared to be of Hunter Biden and various adult women. “The underage stuff has been given to the police. Let them decide. Let’s see what they’re going to do with it,” Giuliani said, adding, “we went there in person.” Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who was also interviewed, said he and Giuliani spoke with a police captain and a lieutenant, saying, “We made an investigative referral … We took a bunch of photos — handed it to them. We took emails — handed it to them. Then we explained what we found, when we found it, how we found it, how we came into possession of the hard drive.” Giuliani added: “I told them that they have to make a determination of what it is. You’re the cops — I’m not. … We gave them a copy of the hard drive. They have everything … We have a tape recording of it. They recorded me. I recorded them.” Officer Grigori Lopez-Garcia, a public information officer with the New Castle County Police Department in Delaware, declined to answer the Washington Examiner’s specific questions Wednesday morning, saying only: “I can direct you to the Delaware Department of Justice” and that “the [Delaware] Department of Justice can better answer all of your questions on that incident.” Mat Marshall, a spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings, told the Washington Examiner on Wednesday that the New Castle County Police Department had brought Giuliani’s allegations to the attention of the state attorney general and that it had jointly decided to refer the claims and *the copy of the hard drive* to the FBI instead of investigating it itself.
>>14069252 >Giuliani dropped the bombshell. “It contains one crime after another, including child pornography.” Rudy was on OANN saying this months ago. Dumbass anon wasn't downloading & preserving Vids then, can't find any trace now (commietoob scrubbed so many OAN Reports), but he & Chanel Rion got into it back then. Lucky to find & download Chanel & Kara McKinney addressing The Laptop From Hell.
///I saw the HB hard drive drop but did not completely archive it. It was sketchy when it rolled out. I just snagged a few incriminating pictures. Some of the videos were disgusting and I knew more important people would grab those. I promise, some things are better not seen.///
Hunter Biden October Surprise Archive
July 1 2021 Laptop shows Joe Biden attended meetings between Hunter and his Mexican business partners
June 28 2021 Hunter Biden Invested In A Pandemic Firm Collaborating With Daszak’s EcoHealth and The Wuhan Lab.
May 30 2021 RUDY: I still have Hunter Biden's hard drive.
March 30 2021 Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail quiet effort to assist indicted Ukrainian oligarch
Feb 24 2021 Hunter Biden, While Dating His Dead Brothers Wife, Cheats On Her With Her Then Married Sister
Jan 12 2021 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS W
Jan 8th 2021 Lin Wood: RE: Hunter Laptop
Dec 8th2020 Senate report on Hunter Biden just dropped
Oct 19 2020 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks
Oct 18 2020 Q 4888: Hunter Biden - Pandoras Box
Oct 15th 2020 Hunter Biden Becomes The Hunted
Oct 9th 2020 5 Ways Hunter Biden's Shady Deals Empowered China
Wheres is Hunter?