Rudy W. Giuliani/ @RudyGiuliani 06/10/2022 18:13:27 Twitter: 1535384674540871687 Joe Pags Pagliarulo / @JoeTalkShow 06/07/2022 23:29:36 Twitter: 1534377074391142400 There is no debate, @RudyGiuliani knows how to and has cracked down on crime. He shares his expertise on how to stop what we're seeing in the US today by criminals. And, he tells us why @AndrewHGiuliani is the right guy to lead NY!
Rudy W. Giuliani retweeted…
Rudy W. Giuliani / @RudyGiuliani 06/10/2022 19:35:21 Twitter: 1535405286630084609 Andrew takes courageous stand on the state dictating vaccines ‘against the science’ and your American freedoms. Watch to end to see his biggest supporter? (Cap 0:42)
Andrew Giuliani