UNABLE TO VERIFY at this time whether or not Eric Olsen has been captured.
Russia is claiming to have captured a number of western nations military advisors.
MI NEWS @SNMilitary BREAKING: Retired United States Navy admiral Eric Olson captured by Russian Forces in Azovstal plant, Mariupol. https://twitter.com/SNMilitary/status/1525994960847310849
Anonymous 05/16/22 (Mon) 00:47:11 04818f (20) No.16283279 >>16282977
No verification of this. It's only this source. Anybody else find verification?
Would a picture of him getting frog marched by Russians (by Ukraine source) work?
Eric Olsen, Spirit of America… 1 US Admiral, 1 UK spook (Bailey) & 4 NATO "Military Advisors".
Like Vietnam but even more stupid.
Does nobody check No Tables anymore…