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Scotus Ruling Could Affect Pa. Primary

Anonymous 06/02/22 (Thu) 15:37:45 ec3795 (18) No.16387079

looks like we're off to OZ Scotus ruling could affect Pa. primary The US Supreme Court halted the count of some mail-in ballots casted in Pennsylvania’s primary elections. Justice Samuel Alito gave the order Tuesday, pausing a lower court ruling over a disputed 2021 local court election. That case would have allowed for the counting of mail-in ballots without a handwritten date on them. It’s unclear when the Supreme Court will review the case further or how long it would take, but Pennsylvania’s Senate primary race will likely be affected. The new ruling will no longer allow election officials to count dateless ballots. This means Republican Senate candidate David McCormick likely won’t catch up to his competitor Mehmet Oz as the recount must be finished by June 8.

vid SCOTUS order may doom PA GOP Senate candidate McCormick

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