Notables are not always endorsements.
Anons, I had a vertiginous experience at a US post office today that left me dizzy. I was behind (6+ freaking feet behind) a man in front of me who was filing forms to correct his passport. He had just obtained his renewed passport that had an error on it. Now get this: He was changing it from US Citizen to (his) State Citizen. My ears perked up, I have (I thought) never heard of anything like this. The man assured the clerk his form to change his 'status' was in order. The postal clerk who was collecting the form was unfamiliar with such a request so she was back and forth on the phone with the US PASSPORT OFFICE. And the US Passport office instructed her on how to accept the form with the requested status change to citizen of (his) state. She was surprised. I was fucking floored. The man continued talking to the clerk and he said 'I don't know why the new one they sent had the wrong status this time, I have always been a state citizen." The clerk shrugged and said… >Hold onto your hats "Yeah the passport office called it 'sovereign'. They said it will take at least 6 weeks though. Sign here." I could have shit a fucking brick. Sovereign? are you fucking kidding me? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? The US Passport office called it a thing?? Is this fucking shit about the US being corporation real and only state citizenship keeps us sovereign? and we sign over our rights (14th amendment) and become slaves of the corporation if we consent to be US citizens? AND THE PASSPORT OFFICE ACCEPTED THIS?????? Knows about it?? HAS A FORM TO CHANGE IT?? And the PASSPORT OFFICE -itself —-calls it SOVEREIGN CITIZEN??? I have had the fucking rug of all rugs pulled out from under me. If I was not there, did not hear her talking to the US Passport office, did not hear this exchange, and did not see her collect his old passport with the papers, I would have thought I was on 'Constitutional Crisis Candid Camera'. Make sense of this. STATE vs. U.S. CITIZENSHIP THEORY RECONSIDERED 1. Are you either a sovereign state citizen or a slave 14th amendment U.S. citizen? 2. The Federal Gov. has absolutely no power over a state citizen in the Union. 3. Have you read the court cases that the state citizenship proponents rely on to find out if their quotes from court cases are correct? The answer to all of the above is a solid NO! A short essay by Peymon M., a former proponent of state vs. U.S. citizenship theory. Many of us are fed up with the oppressive taxation and control that we are suffering at the hands of government at all levels. Back in 1993, I was persuaded to believe that I had unknowingly allowed myself to become a U.S. citizen/slave by trading in my “sovereign state citizen status” to that of a “U.S. citizen/subject/slave” created by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. I used to teach “state citizenship.” I studied with some of the most renowned “state citizenship” experts in America. Not knowing how to look up a court case in the law library, I never read the full court cases, which I previously quoted from the law digest books. Eventually, when I learned how to find a court case in the law library, and upon the insistence of some good friends, I pulled out and read the full text of each court case from which I was quoting. I did not like what I read. I was wrong about this whole thing. But hey, better to stand corrected than to keep my head in the sand. Do yourself a favor and read the full court cases, which I quote. Make sure for yourself that your position is the correct one. If you don’t know how to find the court cases in the law library, you may get them through me. Happy reading. Where did citizenship come from? In the beginning, people were created free, independent, and sovereign and no one could force them to do anything unless they were overpowered. This is exactly what happened. Evil people formed gangs that attacked, raped, robbed, and murdered other free, independent, and sovereign men, women and children, one by one. This went on for a while until the good people “wised up” and started forming their own good gangs and tribes mutually to protect each other from the evil gangs and thereby created a gang, tribe, jural society or a state. The fundamental purpose of any gang, tribe, jural society, or state is to protect the life, liberty, and property of its individual members. Members of these groups are also called citizens. The Massachusetts Bill of Rights is explicit regarding how this takes place: “The body politic is formed by a voluntary association of individuals; it is a social compact by which the whole people covenants with each citizen and each citizen with the whole people that all shall be governed by certain laws for a common good.” Each group outlined a territory or turf, which they called collectively theirs. The borders of this area are the borders of the state. To assure the continued existence of this collective entity, which is needed to protect each of its individual members, each member in addition to his or her rights had privileges; immunities and duties (such as jury duty, service in the militia…) This way the shared contribution of everyone assured the future protection of all members and their posterity (children). This is a classical “all for one and one for all” kind of a situation. By now, you realize that in the political sense, the terms gang, tribe, jural society and state are synonymous. The word “member” (of a gang or tribe) is the same as a “citizen of a state”. I know this might sound distasteful for some people to accept that their state is just a collection or group of people (albeit a good one with good purposes in mind), but I never promised you that reality is always sweet; did your parents? How about citizenship in America? In 1776, after the American people kicked the sovereign King of England out of the colonies by the use of force, the American people once again became sovereigns. As mentioned above, to protect themselves from control and abuse by the power hungry criminal gangs (the mobsters of the time), they organized themselves into 13 distinct and separate groups/gangs (states).
Sovereign Citizens