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Super Tuesday - This is a Big One

Writer: RoosterRooster

Anonymous  03/06/24 (Wed) 00:50:00 649c73 (8) No.20524956

Looks good!


Anonymous  03/06/24 (Wed) 03:02:58 68be76 (8) No.20525212

In case the numbers don't reflect how badly Trump beat Haley on Super Tuesday, here is what it looks like now on the Delegate Tracker.

Hundreds of millions NeverTrump wasted on a historic chaos crossover vote.

St. Jude could've saved a lot of sick kids' lives with that 💰.


Anonymous  03/06/24 (Wed) 03:49:28 f4a240 (19) No.20525321

Live: Trump and Biden sweep Super Tuesday, as Haley scores Vermont surprise

Trump and Biden Win Super Tuesday

BBC News

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Anonymous  03/06/24 (Wed) 03:07:44 f4a240 (19) No.20525222




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