U.S. Department of Energy will sell 18 million barrels of crude oil from its Strategic Petro ReserveThe_RoosterDec 11, 2021Anonymous 12/11/21 (Sat) 18:46:10 f778a7 (2) No.15178271>>15178270 The U.S. Department of Energy said on Friday it will sell 18 million barrels of crude oil from its strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) on Dec. 17, as part of a previous plan to try to reduce gasoline prices. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/us-sell-18-mln-barrels-oil-reserves-dec-17-2021-12-10/
Anonymous 12/11/21 (Sat) 18:46:10 f778a7 (2) No.15178271>>15178270 The U.S. Department of Energy said on Friday it will sell 18 million barrels of crude oil from its strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) on Dec. 17, as part of a previous plan to try to reduce gasoline prices. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/us-sell-18-mln-barrels-oil-reserves-dec-17-2021-12-10/