WATCH THE WATERMARKS - 04 30 2021 EDITION Arizona election officials fear partisan vote counts could be the norm in future elections April 29, 2021 at 10:12 pm The exact purpose of the lights remains murky. OAN reported Monday that the lights were being used “to search for ballot watermarks and weed out phony ballots.”. Auditors hide donors, look for secret watermarks on ballots Arizona Capital Times - 9 hours ago What the Senate election audit lacks in transparency, it makes up for in QAnon conspiracy theories. From the Arizona Senate to the cybersecurity company … < - Website was Down. Why aren't federal monitors already in Arizona? The Senate's election audit is a joke Elvia Díaz Arizona Republic April 27 2021 The audit of the 2.1 million ballots has been nothing but a farce, where theories abound about workers searching for watermarks, yellow dots, fold marks and certain fibers. As Trump seizes on Arizona ballot audit, election officials fear partisan vote counts could be the norm in future elections By Rosalind S. Helderman and Josh Dawsey April 29, 2021 at 5:05 p.m. EDT The exact purpose of the lights remains murky. A document released by Cyber Ninjas Thursday described the use of the light, but did not say what it is intended to detect. It indicated the weight and thickness of ballots would also be studied. OAN reported Monday that the lights were being used “to search for ballot watermarks and weed out phony ballots.” That prompted Maricopa County to release a fact sheet noting that the county’s ballots do not bear watermarks. What is Cyber Ninjas looking for with your ballot? ABC15 inside audit Thursday By: Nicole Valdes , Garrett Archer Posted at 7:57 PM, Apr 28, 2021 and last updated 1:18 PM, Apr 29, 2021 Cyber Ninas and its subcontractors were also running ballots under black lights up until Wednesday. Officials said their teams were looking for watermarks on ballots, but that effort has since stopped. Maricopa County Election officials released information earlier this week explaining that no ballots contain watermarks. Arizona election audit: Social media watchers weigh in with … APRIL 28 2021 While the Arizona Senate's official audit of 2020 ballots cast in Maricopa County … on Telegram speculating that workers are scanning ballots for watermarks. Fact check: False QAnon-related conspiracy theory claims Arizona ballots are secretly watermarked Devon Link, USA TODAY 1 day ago Arizona election auditors are running ballots under UV light. What could they be looking for? While there hasn't been much transparency from the contractors attempting to audit Maricopa County's general election results, they are shining a light on the ballots. But why? Jen Fifield Arizona Republic April 28 2021 I Went Down the OAN Rabid Hole to See What Our Fellow Citizens Are Being Fed Charles P. Pierce Wed, 28 April 2021, 4:54 am Oh, no. Not ULTRA-VIOLET LIGHTS! They have us now. Any ballots containing hidden Iron Butterfly posters will be weeded out through SCIENCE.
Journalists gain access to Arizona election audit; about 2M ballots still to count Jen Fifield Arizona Republic April 28 2021 Rumors have spread about the workers checking the ballots for watermarks, but the paper that Maricopa County uses for ballots does not have a watermark.
>>13548227 Arizona Senate president dismisses media reports tying Maricopa County election audit to conspiracy theories by Kaelan Deese, Breaking News Reporter | | April 27, 2021 05:15 PM The Maricopa County Elections Department also sent out a press release on Monday to squash conspiracy rumors about alleged "watermarks" on Maricopa County ballots, saying: "There are NO watermarks on Maricopa ballots. There are many security measures in place when creating and printing ballots, but there are no secret markings on the ballot." One judge down in Arizona audit; Replacement worked at notorious Perkins Coie law firm By World Tribune on April 27, 2021 On Monday, former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett confirmed that audit officials are using ultraviolet light to scan the ballots for folds and watermarks. Democrats fight 'sham audit' in Arizona, saying Republicans aim to justify voter suppression Charles Davis Apr 26, 2021, 10:30 PM At the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Logan has had temp workers and volunteers pour over some 2.1 million ballots using "ultra-violet lights to search for ballot watermarks and weed-out phony ballots," according to One America News, the far-right media organization that was granted the exclusive right to stream the process. Fact Check: NO Evidence The Audit In Maricopa County, Arizona, Is Confirming The Rumor That A 'Special Watermark Is On The Real Ballots' Apr 26, 2021 by: Dana Ford Arizona ballot audit that Dems fought is underway using tech to detect counterfeits By Thomas Lifson April 25, 2021 Yesterday saw the auditors at work, livestreamed from 9 different camera angles. One of the tests they are using that would scare the pants off of anyone who might have employed counterfeit ballots is scanning with UV Light for the watermarks that were used on the genuine ballots.