Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election FraudThe_RoosterSep 18, 2022Anonymous 09/18/22 (Sun) 18:34:46 a4e8e4 (4) No.17539966Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/missouri-secretary-state-jay-ashcroft-trying-block-investigation-election-fraud/
Anonymous 09/18/22 (Sun) 18:34:46 a4e8e4 (4) No.17539966Why Is Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Moving to Block an Investigation Into Election Fraud? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/missouri-secretary-state-jay-ashcroft-trying-block-investigation-election-fraud/