hate crime hoax redo Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck This woman was arrested in Atlanta last night trying to burn down the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr. 2 Utah tourists called the police and 2 off-duty NYPD detained her until ATL police came. Her name is Laneisha Shantrice Henderson. People should dig for her associations to political groups, PAC’s and causes… Hate crime hoax or random crazy lady? https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1733196110775058625
Her father told WSB-TV that his daughter was a military veteran suffering from a mental health issue. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/police-investigating-after-person-tries-vandalize-martin-luther-king-jrs-home-near-king-center/NEBC6LEK4RABJNRYEKTFV6X7AU/
Video from a witness shared with Channel 2′s Michael Doudna shows a woman dressed in all black pouring gasoline on the windows and in the bushes of the home. Atlanta Fire Department Battalion Chief Jerry DeBerry said had the witnesses not intervened, the house could have been burned to the ground in moments. “It could have been a matter of seconds before the house was engulfed in flames,” DeBerry said.