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Writer's pictureThe_Rooster

WOW!! MICHIGAN EVIDENCE IS INSANE - Bill Bailey of Antrim Co to go over EXPLOSIVE evidentiary

Post 44857 16 hours ago • View on 8kun

Gen. McInerney --WOW!! MICHIGAN EVIDENCE IS INSANE. Joined tonight by Matt Deperno and Bill Bailey of Antrim Co to go over EXPLOSIVE evidentiary...... NOPE - IT'S GONE, GONE, GONE "made private by user" - ya, you betcha. Dat was quik, YT!!! Anybody wanna look for alternative platforms? Time for last nappening. Be back later.


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Tonight we sit down with Matt Deperno and Bill Bailey of the Antrim County Michigan case and discuss the new evidence brief that was uploaded yesterday!

From Comments Section

pbolger31,1 day ago

Let's summarize. (1) Actual votes in 9 Michigan counties analyzed could be predicted with 99.7% accuracy using an algorithm that is derived from existing data (census data and voter registration data). Data does not lie. The prediction also happens in other states, each with their own unique algorithm. (2) Dominion continues to claim there is no access to the internet, yet doesn't want to provide IP addresses of voting machines because then the lawyers would have internet access to change data. How are both things true? (3) Unauthorized 'modules' were inserted into machines that can change the data and election officials would not know. (4) The man who can audit the actual paper ballots (Jovan Pullitzer) was offered $10 million to stop the work he is doing. (5) State and County officials are refusing to cooperate, even Republicans. (6) System files in Antrim County have been deleted. This violates federal law, can be held against them in court (legally called 'negative inference') and typically requires some type of 'bleach bit' to make it happen. (7) In Wayne County (the county with the largest population and where Detroit is located), 72% of the precincts paper tapes off the machines reveal a different number than the number of people who voted. (8) Matt Deperno has proven the election was not secure and JOE BIDEN ISN'T PRESIDENT.


Antrim Country Court Filing and Exhibits

From - supplemental_brief_040921.pdf

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