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Russia Says Dugin Car Bombing Was A 'Contract Killing' - Zelensky Warns Of 'Nastier' Phase Of War

Anonymous 08/22/22 (Mon) 19:44:24 fb622d (9) No.17429011

A powerful explosion ripped apart an SUV near Moscow on Saturday night, instantly killing its driver, identified as Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian political commentator Aleksandr Dugin.

Zelensky Warns Of 'Nastier' Phase Of War As Russia Says Dugin Car Bombing Was A 'Contract Killing' Update1050ET: Ukraine is bracing for a likely escalation in Russian attacks following last night's killing of the daughter of Alexander Dugin - Darya Dugina - by what looked to be a car bomb as she as driving his car home from an event. Based on the details that emerged, many believe it was an assassination attempt on the prominent but deeply controversial Russian political commentator and philosopher himself.



>Historical recollection: I listened to quite a bit of Glenn Beck a decade ago but wrote him off after he and his crew did the Cheetos stunt in 2016. It was a "deplorables" moment and I'm sure he lost millions because of it.. I have wondered if it was a tactical attempt at distancing or how Beck himself might be compromised. He did always take huge issue Aleksandr Dugin when the subject of Russia came up. - worth revisiting - 2016


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