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2157 items found for "PA"

  • MEGA.NZ Encryption key.

    link when that email goes out Please while you are here look around and provide feedback via contact page TU-sJNKoqqZpI6rjJRk64g <- This Link is now dead click file icon at top of page to be redirected.

  • US Market Report- Treasury Auction results not a good sign-for them- edition

    Passing 27k is a good thing, it's just a round number though-it did trigger buy stops though and forced Just know that this is the canary in coal-mine and the big difference now as opposed to years past is Thanks in part to those warnings, earnings are estimated by analysts to have declined by 2.9% year over -faggots all of them Next week should paint a fuller picture with Citi(that one would be gud-not,fixed-income

  • A former aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) was sentenced to four years in prison

    colleague’s key to enter the office, install keylogging equipment that stole work and personal email passwords Rand Paul.

  • Investigative Journalist Uncovers Stunning Biden Docs… In Ukraine

    has forgotten about more political corruption investigations than most other journalists have taken part So, of course, most of the mainstream media didn’t really pay it much mind.

  • We Have Spent $32 Million Per Hour on War Since 2001

    Since 2001, every American taxpayer has spent almost $24,000 on the wars — equal to the average down payment (Cartoon: Khalil Bendib / As stupefying as those numbers are, the budgetary costs pale

  • We Have Been Criminalized by an Overabundance of Laws

    In Denmark, the laws governing unemployment benefits are more than 36,000 pages and grow by almost seven pages daily on average. has shown that in order to understand and comply with US tax laws one must go through about 80,000 pages As it is impossible for a person to peruse all the required pages in order to comply with the laws, we /sol3/papers.cfm?

  • Elizabeth Warren Backs Slavery Reparations

    The New York Times reported that Warren expressed her support for a policy that would pay money to black

  • Guaido Signs 1st ‘Presidential’ Decree to Allow Aid in Venezuela

    elements of these forces to act in line with this instruction," the decree, published on Guaido’s Twitter page The Venezuelan parliament, led by Guaido and controlled by the opposition, on Tuesday authorized the Tensions flared up in Venezuela in January when opposition parliament speaker Juan Guaido declared himself

  • Rep. Ilhan Omar Once Traveled With Radical Anti-US Group That Supports Cuban, Venezuelan Socialism

    Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) traveled in November 2017 to Honduras as part of a delegation sponsored by the radical

  • ICANN Calls for Full DNSSEC Deployment, Promotes Community Collaboration to Protect the Internet

    for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) believes that there is an ongoing and significant risk to key parts On 15 February 2019, in response to reports of attacks against key parts of the DNS infrastructure, ICANN Public reports indicate that there is a pattern of multifaceted attacks utilizing different methodologies This particular type of attack, which targets the DNS, only works when DNSSEC is not in use. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with a community of participants

  • 6790-6799 Notables

    5319874 The hunt for antifa guy, agent provacatuer comparison >>5320376, >>5320337 Berkeley Antifa FB page Berkeley flyer >>5319924 NSA surveillance allows for "2hops" in the communication chain >>5320347 Defense Patrick news today >>5318592 The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is Next On The Sexual Revolution’s Hit Parade , The Occult, And The Bible: An Ex New-Agers Critique >>5318122 Tucker on Smollett >>5318129 Border Patrol >>5316886 "Somebody is going to be shot": Top bureaucrat says partisan mudslinging has gone too far in


    also the result of the ongoing efforts by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF), a partnership

  • US Oil Output Hits 12 Million Barrel-A-Day Milestone Way Ahead Of Schedule

    In the past decade, hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling allowed oil and natural gas production

  • Bill allowing driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants unveiled at Capitol

    PAUL, Minn. So, if this bill doesn’t pass, they’ll still roam the streets regardless.” 18-year-old Orellana is an estimated 95,000 undocumented immigrants in Minnesota and many of them just drive anyway without passing “In our parishes, most of which serve undocumented persons and their families, the inability to drive

  • 6770-6779 Notables

    Coast Guard lieutenant >>5302021 PAC aligned with AOC paid boyfriend $6G for marketing work >>5302033 >>5302393 Smollett family tied in with the old Black Panther/Angela Davis crew >>5302412 Tech giants with red MAGA hat) >>5292819, >>5293009 NEW OIG DoD Inspection >>5293078 US Christian who refuses to pay >>5299138 Classic james Woods on O;Relliy (video) >>5299179, >>5299217 Krassenstein admits to being paid >>5297864 Clip of Coulter on immigration >>5297933 Democratic Party passes resolution calling for US

  • 6760-6769 Notables

    >>5295810 Dems paid Coulter to shill for Trump in 2016? Growing Anti-Semitism Scam” >>5295880 John Solomon and Sara Carter on Hannity >>5295955 Suspicious payments Papers Company? with red MAGA hat) >>5292819, >>5293009 NEW OIG DoD Inspection >>5293078 US Christian who refuses to pay 4 yrs >>5291022 Ocasional-Cortex boyfriend Super PAC potential fraud. >>5291064 Previous bread: Lawfag

  • 6780-6789 Notables

    #6789 >>5312085 PANIC IN DC: Gov. Cuomo and a "coalition of governors" will make an announcement on Friday in DC >>5312089 Pakistan has Roots Press Secretary Dead At 30 >>5312287, >>5312443 Jon Solomon's visit by G-men started him on the path >>5312592 Tennessee governor pictured in 1980 yearbook wearing Confederate uniform at college frat party statement on Jussie Smollett >>5312669 Three freak 'accidents' at Centennial Airport in Colorado the past

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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