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2157 items found for "PA"

  • With Trump’s Tough Deterrents, Many Asylum Seekers on the Border are Giving Up

    TIJUANA, Mexico — Pushed beyond their limits by prolonged waits in dangerous and squalid conditions in parts Trump’s exhortations that they were not welcome, arrived in Northern Mexico in late November as part

  • Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations

    , has defended her request for the meeting between Treasury officials and OneUnited executives as part

  • Digicel dragged into $1.5bn US lawsuit over alleged corruption in Haiti

    “The Haitian government in exchange for payments has allowed Digicel to monopolise both the local market

  • In Pursuit of Truth - State of the Union Summary

    While your here go back and check out my past work here at to help you see the news they

  • They are Trying to Normalize Cannibalism

    I think it was something that people probably weren’t particularly proud of, once they discovered that modern medicine had better solutions than eating body parts.”

  • OP PP Call to Action

    AIM FIRE - Select Planned Parenthood Tweets In Need Of Some Meme LOVE Planned Parenthood Action President of Planned Parenthood division of @PPact Planned Parenthood Black Community Our health. Our Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization HASHTAGS #

  • Virginia Governor: "The baby will be delivered, 'kept comfortable for a few hours' then terminated."

    This means "'Planned Parenthood can still try to talk a woman in the midst of Post-Partum Depression

  • Joe Biden embraced segregation in 1975, claiming it was a matter of 'black pride'

    In the past few decades, he has claimed he wanted desegregation but believed the policy of busing would

  • More than 300 arrested, 48 people rescued during human trafficking investigation

    must help the young victims who are lured into sex trafficking and prosecute both the people who pay


    They are trying to pass these new to term and after birth abortion in order to protect themselves of However, I believe they are really trying to create new state level laws in these particular states simply

  • Feds Indict powerful Philly Union Boss Johnny "Doc" Dougherty, Councilman Bobby Henon, others

    He allegedly used union funds to pay contractors for work at his South Philadelphia home and bar. And he put friends and family members on the union's payroll, showering them with raises and overtime The union paid Dougherty $1.4 million between 2010 and 2016.

  • Baal is Back! Demons in the Deep State

    Pastor Carl Gallups lends unique expertise to the correlations between ancient prophecy and modern headlines

  • 6180-6189 LOAF

    Another peculiar Rubio tweet >>4848172 Flight to Dubai makes emergency landing over poison concerns after passengers >>4848577 Planefag update on 2 French airforce airbuses from lb >>4848630, >>4848649 Covington parents of Super Bowl, MARTA police hold "region's largest emergency preparedness exercise", actors a major part Then Defended Pharma V'S Govt. >>4845597 Pakistani officers gun down 4 people, incl. 13-year-old girl >>4842231 super bowl rematch from 17 years ago >>4842345 Latino Pastor's Support for Trump on Border

  • 6190-6199

    CNN's 'Information Warfare Researcher' (fwiw) >>4856093 Judicial Watch has a petition if you want to partake Fortnite predator 'groomed children on voice chat' >>4856145 Fortnite has become a money-laundering paradise Warfare Researcher' >>4855555 Kek has spoken 5:5: 'TRUST POTUS' quints >>4855486 JW post on Carter Page's Migrants "rent" children to other migrants trying to cross the border >>4855280 New research links payments prescription opioid ODs >>4855119 Hungary: we will prevent Brussels from implementing the UN Migration Pact

  • 6200-6209

    4863352 Report of POTUS requesting Sergeant-At-Arms to schedule SOTU walkthrough >>4863353 CERN plans new particle Belgian woman as sex slave for months. >>4862404 Bret Baier Tweet regarding crash. >>4862394 Ex-US Marine Paul the circus into a positive fund raising campaign for Students for Life. >>4862129 US cuts funding to Palestine MAGA Kids And Indian Thing Gets Even Worse (Continuing From Last Night Notable) >>4859021 Qanon Is Part has crashed >>4859127 Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Throw Chicago an 'Alice in Wonderland' Birthday Party

  • 6220-6229 LOAF

    . >>4878893 Democrats including Pelosi and AOC vote against a GOP effort to provide paychecks to Federal (video clip) >>4878396 Shocking: Davos elites scramble to protect globalism. >>4878390 Suspicious package Cory Booker a pass for purposely violating rules to try to torpedo Kavanaugh nomination. >>4877121 Syria calls out Dems for their public and media ignored anti-Semitism. >>4876934, >>4877031 Mark Zuckerberg's pal >4876589 President Trump: Michael Cohen “has been threatened by the truth.” >>4876591 Dem-led House panel

  • 6210-6219 LOAF

    Delivers Video Conference Message To Davos Audience (Foreshadow A Storm) >>4871871 Transcripts of Lisa Page NATO pullout >>4869365, >>4869470 Last week, House GOP voted to pay federal emp. 1st paycheck of 2019 escalates fight over new census question, turning to Supreme Court >>4869526 Big Pharma Will Now Hold Patent on the new filing US v Backpage, bank, amount, AND NAME the bank account was under >>4868448 front page The 1st Amendment allows it — but Texas doesn’t. >>4865735 Democrat party is in disarray. >>4865750 Sara

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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