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2157 items found for "PA"

  • 6160-6169 LOAF

    satellite after a month’s worth of delays >>4833142 → >>4833165 → >>4833182 → DJT twitter: Amnesty is not part Prince Philip car crash >>4829777 → Symbolism of the 'blessing hand' >>4829960 → Oculus co-founder Palmer to Government Agencies >>4830441 → #6165 #6164 >>4828999 → @DeptofDefense: Sailing together with our partners in the Pacific >>4829057 → Ex-MI anon's game theory about pressure on the deep state >>4829089 → Omaha proposoal >>4825901 →, >>4825914 → Sara Carter, Mittens will vote for POTUS proposal >>4825928 → Creepy patents

  • Washington fears new threat from 'deepfake' videos

    The issue has the attention of lawmakers from both parties on Capitol Hill. PANIC

  • Barr’s first task as AG: Look at former FBI leaders’ conduct

    Department of Justice (DOJ) — who were at the center of the saga we, as a nation, have endured over the past

  • >>4835693 Celebs and Families of Kennedy and MLK Demand New Probes

    TRC include Oliver Stone, Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen, Rob Reiner, David Crosby, Mort Sahl, Pentagon Papers

  • 6170-6179 LOAF

    teen statement and video >>4840984, >>4840834 SBMoon pic over Empire State >>4841078 Faux-cahontas part >>4837740 Doc: Nunes to Sessions: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in Carter Page FISA application who pushed BuzzFeed report silent >>4837586 New POTUS tweet re cold weather >>4837577 Article: Lisa Page Says Seymour Hersh >>4835923 The Secret Service Code names for 'The Farm' posts >>4835916 Relevant parts >>4833731 Lisa Page was promised job at former Mueller law firm >>4833727 Why is the executive director

  • 6140-6149 LOAF

    Musk Slashes Workforce, Says Road Ahead For Tesla Looks ‘Very Difficult’ >>4817666, >>4817919 Facebook Paid Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation >>4817923, >>4817956 USAID Abandons Palestinian Citizen Arrested for Possession of Over $650K in Cocaine, Heroin at San Clemente Border Patrol Station >>4816270 Oregon transportation director resigning >>4816330, >>4816385 Past article by the BuzzFeed CNN trying to predict POTUS moves >>4813642, >>4814150 Anons' summary/analysis of Buzzfeed fuckery - part

  • 6150-6159 LOAF

    ." >>4824437 WH Tweet "I am here to break the logjam and provide Congress with a path forward…" >>4824419 officer graduates from Scout Sniper Unit Leaders Course. >>4823203 Figure skater and two-time U.S. pairs French anon provides updates and video feeds of today's Yellow Jacket protests. >>4823076 Anon: Brad Parscale (PB) >>4822896 A plane from hell made an emergency landing in Russia today after passengers complained New DJT: "I will be live from the White House at 4:00 aP.M." >>4822204 A brief glimpse into how Brad Parscale


    the White House prepared to negotiate with Democrats on funding border wall security to reopen the partial

  • 6140-6149 LOAF

    Citizen Arrested for Possession of Over $650K in Cocaine, Heroin at San Clemente Border Patrol Station >>4816270 Oregon transportation director resigning >>4816330, >>4816385 Past article by the BuzzFeed Global Dominance >>4815644 Turks, Neocons Still Scheming as Syria Returns to Normal >>4815666 Drug maker payments CNN trying to predict POTUS moves >>4813642, >>4814150 Anons' summary/analysis of Buzzfeed fuckery - part video of Klob's questions) >>4812260 Ron DeSantis rescinds last-minute Scott appointments, including Parkland

  • Pelosi Vineyards Wine Dig...

    He's a super party-line mainstream Dem (std Haberman retweets, etc.) and sometimes out of the blue he

  • POTUS winning: China offers to ramp up US imports

    drive a rally on Wall Street where main stock indexes were on track for their fourth week of gains, in part While increased purchases of U.S. goods have been part of the talks, American negotiators have also focused

  • Trump 'startled' to learn his attorney general pick Bill Barr was best friends with Robert Mueller

    told his aides that he didn't realize their work overlapped so much Trump stiffened at hearing the pair

  • Potus speaks at the missile defense review Many notables in lead in to potus by acting Secretary of Defense Patrick

  • How Many Get The Implications Of POTUS Cancelling Pelosi / Schiff Trip?

    anons on rabbit trails, and those who have lurked and absorbed the 40,000 ft view = Can grasp at least part In the past, swamp creatures like Pelosi, Schiff, noname et al took secret trips like the one they were We had no way of knowing in the past due to (classification) > Treason of the highest order. Remember, at least part of the (Significance) of today is: POTUS said no more of this = (pic's related

  • List of Q debunkers- Be careful who you follow...

    How much is Krassenstein and Mike Rothschild paying you to be the street"cred" character debunking Q.

  • 6110-6119

    Patriots in control. >>4794751 POTUS cancelling all congressional trips to ensure lawmakers are in the Tom Marino, R-Pa.resigning. >>4794626 Schiff on the bus? Pastor, 2017 molest'n 4yo, connects to elites >>4792294, >>4792435, >>4792347, >>4792546 Anon decodes Attorney REFUSES to Charge Dealer with 1,000 Opiate Pills and $30K >>4792131 Michael Cohen Admits He Paid >>4790048 New DJT >>4790088 Russian billionaire Deripaska suing Communist party leader for defamation


    Christopher Steele, whose dossier was used as the bulk of evidence to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Page

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




-Welcome to the Deepend!

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