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2157 items found for "PA"

  • Bid to keep U.S. sanctions on Russia's Rusal fails in Senate

    Senators voted 57-42 to end debate on the measure, as 11 of Trump’s fellow Republicans broke from party That result fell short of the 60 votes necessary to advance to a final passage vote in the 100-member To keep the administration from lifting the sanctions, the measure must pass both the House and Senate decision in December to ease sanctions imposed in April on the core businesses of Deripaska - Rusal, its parent

  • Anon puts together list of petitions


  • 6100-6109

    B4 Initial FISA Warrant >>4787054, >>4787088 Twat slam on Romney, the Animated Corpse of Republican Past Rep(D) Paul McMurtry Accused of Groping Incoming Lawmaker >>4786886 Q-clock type analysis on Pelosi's Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out >>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT) >>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229 >>4784711 Lara trump coming up on Hannity >>4784679 Congress gettin paid right now, big bucks >>4784412 planefagging >>4784837 #6106 #6105 Baker Change >>4783461 Was fbianon strzok or page because no texts

  • State of the Union: The Constitutional Argument

    Here is the final paragraph. The opinion details it out.

  • Ohr Warned Top FBI Officials About Steele Dossier Before Initial FISA Warrant

    Hillary Clinton and cautioned them it may be biased — weeks BEFORE they obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page and the dossier until AFTER the election and AFTER the initial FISA warrant was obtained on Carter Page FISA memo that the House Intel Committee released last winter so the Dems and Schiff concocted a 10-page On page 7 of Schiff’s junk memo, he lied about the timeline of Ohr’s contacts with FBI officials: The Ohr went onto say, “I went to his office to provide the information, and Lisa Page was there.

  • 6100-6109

    B4 Initial FISA Warrant >>4787054, >>4787088 Twat slam on Romney, the Animated Corpse of Republican Past Rep(D) Paul McMurtry Accused of Groping Incoming Lawmaker >>4786886 Q-clock type analysis on Pelosi's Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out >>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT) >>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229 >>4784711 Lara trump coming up on Hannity >>4784679 Congress gettin paid right now, big bucks >>4784412 planefagging >>4784837 #6106 #6105 Baker Change >>4783461 Was fbianon strzok or page because no texts

  • Timing: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

    IS group claims deadly suicide attack on US-led coalition patrol in Syria The Islamic State group claimed service members and two American civilians were among those killed in an explosion while conducting a patrol -patrolled town of Manbij.

  • Courts Warn Money Running Out, Revise Funding Amid Shutdown

    utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=lawdesk&utm_campaign=2019-01-16T22%3A03%3A46 Could this open the path for

  • FDA Furloughed. False Flag inbound?

    >The partial government shutdown has crippled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s food safety surveillance efforts, pausing many domestic inspections and potentially putting more Americans at risk of contracting lot of ready-to-eat food that the FDA oversees that consumers ultimately have to trust doesn’t have a pathogen

  • "Shutdown Nancy"

    PELOSI PANNED: Steve Scalise Slams ‘SHUTDOWN NANCY’ over State of the Union Delay /status/1085647897901690883

  • MACRON PROTESTS: Yellow vest fireman left in COMA after being shot in head by POLICE

    A shocking video shows blood pouring from Mr Beziade’s head as he is treated by paramedics. “Then there was a bit of panic. We turned turned back to avoid teargas fumes and to go home. There were 32,000 demonstrators across the country on Saturday, including 8,000 in Paris, according to

  • Rockefeller and Soros Connection to Ocasio-Cortez and the "Green New Deal"

    Thirty-five percent of its budget came from individual donors, and the rest came from non-profit partners percent of its 2018 budget, with 35 percent coming from individual donors, and the rest from nonprofit partners

  • I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

    1084842576920879105 As one of the senior officials working without a paycheck

  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Cancels Public Appearance in Los Angeles Set for January 29

    Ginsburg was scheduled to appear at the Skirball Center as part of a celebration of her career. cancer following the surgery: “Justice Ginsburg will continue to work from home next week and will participate Ginsburg has previously been successfully treated for colon and pancreatic cancer in 1999 and 2009, respectively

  • De Blasio pitches plan to seize private property of problem landlords, opponents cry ‘communism’

    The city reportedly has gone easy on problem landlords in the past.

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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