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2157 items found for "PA"

  • Biden says trans people 'made in image of God', parents must 'affirm' identity Biden says trans people 'made in image of God', parents biden-says-trans-people-made-in-image-of-god-during-video

  • "Sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant." Jan 6th Tucker Part 2

    Anonymous 03/07/23 (Tue) 20:18:02 ff2aed (3) No.18464563 "Sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant." Anonymous 03/07/23 (Tue) 21:34:18 c45bc5 (2) No.18465084 Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson 🚨BREAKING: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Defends Tucker Carlson’s reporting on the J6 Tapes 7:20 PM · Mar 7, 2023

  • Sen. Chuck Grassley reveals financial dealings between the Chinese Communist Party, Hunter and James

    Chuck Grassley reveals financial dealings between the Chinese Communist Party, Hunter and James Biden

  • 6120-6129 #6129 >>4802104 Cap: Taxpayers paid for Pelosi's in-flight 'food and booze' in 2010 >>4802316 773 Million Emails, 21 Million Passwords Leaked in ‘Largest Breach backed fighters arrested for Manbij attack >>4801323 Caravan Update >>4801333 Steny Hoyer and Rand Paul Could Become Shutdown Heroes >>4801335, >>4801448, >>4801644, >>4801678, >>4801754 Dig on PA House Speaker Panic in DC >>4796719 , >>4797315 Why Egypt? Egypt === Muslim Brotherhood?

  • Project Fear: Matt Hancock's Plan to 'Frighten the pants off' the public to ensure compliance

    Anonymous 03/04/23 (Sat) 20:37:16 99c2f5 (4) No.18447780 >When do we deploy the new variant ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant - FULL Anonymous 03/04/23 (Sat) 19:11:15 43d5e2 (9) No.18447234 Anonymous 03/04/23 (Sat) 20:09:16 99c2f5 (5) No.18447628 F* Your Short Memory 🏴 Anti-Cult of Absurdity @BucMon21Replying to@MichaelPSenger It was the test. Anonymous 03/04/23 (Sat) 22:11:31 292811 (7) No.18448341 Anonymous 03/04/23 (Sat) 20:38:35 efe06d (13) No.18447790 Archive -

  • Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds

    Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department.

  • Ten Texas Doctors and a Healthcare Executive Agree to Pay over $1.68 Million to Settle Kickback Alle

    03/22/22 (Tue) 20:40:47 285490 (9) No.15922040 Ten Texas Doctors and a Healthcare Executive Agree to Pay Allegations

  • Indiana Governor Signs Bill Mandating Paper Backup for All Voting Machines

    Indiana Governor Signs Bill Mandating Paper Backup for All Voting Machines Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill that requires all counties using certain voting machines to leave a paper HEA 1116, requires Indiana counties that use electronic voting machines to install “voter-verifiable paper audit trails,” or a backup system that allows people to check their votes on a paper printout before _754787.html Hart InterCivic - IMPORTANT PAST NOTABLE >Over the last two decades, the election technology

  • President Trump at Freedom Rally - PATTON


  • President Trump: I got 20 of 28 NATO countries to start paying the money that they owed to rebuild

    help of the Fake News, that it was me that got the 20 out of 28 delinquent NATO countries to start paying Not only was the United States being taken advantage of by the EU on trade, but it was forced to pay I said to them, “if you don’t pay up, no protection.” They all paid up, and paid up quickly…It’s a story that’s never reported, but that’s only because we

  • Texas Middle School Segregates Children By Hair Color as Part of a “AntiRacism” Experiment

    /22 (Tue) 13:27:06 609dc5 (11) No.15868594 Texas Middle School Segregates Children By Hair Color as Part Antonio. /

  • Hunter Biden ex-partner tries to avoid starting prison sentence, prosecutors object strenuously

    Hunter Biden ex-partner tries to avoid starting prison sentence, prosecutors object strenuously Devon Hunter Biden's ex-business partner was convicted nearly four years ago of securities fraud and still Archer faces one year and one day in prison and was ordered last month to pay financial penalties of Archer is mentioned in the second paragraph of the report, 42 times total. from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch for their participation on the board," the 87-page report alleges.

  • Ukraine’s Zelensky to address full US Congress and Canada's Parliament

    15864368 Canada too.

  • PCR Payouts and Remdesivir 20% Payoffs Fueled the COVID Narrative.

    Anonymous 03/13/22 (Sun) 21:23:59 213ccf (1) No.15858031 Remdesivir payoff. freedomfight369/status/1502637152986820614

  • Clinton Pastor Who Adopted Haitian Orphans Has Been Arrested For SICKENING Child Sex Crimes

    Anonymous 03/12/22 (Sat) 20:19:36 c56469 (6) No.15850918 Clinton Pastor Who Adopted Haitian Orphans Has Been Arrested For SICKENING Child Sex Crimes According to reports, a US pastor with deep connections Pastor Corrigan Clay, 43, who adopted infants in Haiti. But Clay’s ex-wife, with whom he had two biological children in addition to the pair they adopted, told He parted ways with the organization in 2013, according to Shelley.

  • Virginia’s assembly passed legislation to prohibit state and local election officials from accepting

    Anonymous03/12/22 (Sat) 20:03:34a5c98e (8)No.15850708 Virginia’s assembly passed legislation to prohibit

  • Notables 14010 - 14019

    Florida Man Arrested For Sex Acts With Dog, Possession Child Porn >>10958384 HUSSEIN KNEW >>10958395 PapaD Hide the children…and farm animals - KEKS >>10958953 PAUL SPERRY >>10958987 KEKS >>10958994 We have a One parent even said the material is so partisan that his biracial son’s takeaway was that he must be Sperry Tweet >>10956962 Botched Mail-In Ballots In Parts Of Woodland Hills Missing Section To Vote For >>10953127 “Deeply Disturbing”: Father Raped 10-Month Old Daughter To Death, DA Says >>10953139 ZH: PA

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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