482 items found for "food"
- Fauci’s taxpayer funded animal experiments in Tunisia
Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill for this government waste and abuse.
- Gen Flynn: Steady Digital Soldiers Steady
We will achieve another major victory for American Greatness Flexed biceps Folded hands Flag of United
- POTUS: Our Country is becoming a Tinderbox
Good actor(s) had to be installed. Sleeper(s) had to be uncovered.
- Leonardo Defense Contractor Employee files Shocking Affidavit
Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance The Institute for Good Governance issued the following statement: Our mission is to provide the full Nations In Action and the Institute for Good Governance are making the following demands on elected officials
- Obamagate Documents Declassified
John Solomon: Obamagate Documents will be released as early as Friday or Monday A foot high stack of
- FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington
but we all knew that >BTW, I am in King County - must be vaccinated to go to restaurants, events etc >Good
- Watch the Watermarks - 4-30-2021 Edition
been nothing but a farce, where theories abound about workers searching for watermarks, yellow dots, fold State Ken Bennett confirmed that audit officials are using ultraviolet light to scan the ballots for folds , Is Confirming The Rumor That A 'Special Watermark Is On The Real Ballots' Apr 26, 2021 by: Dana Ford
- President Trump Calls for 21 days of Prayer
the implosions shattered the glass window "You do what God calls you to do..you show up, you put one foot
- Prayer for The United States of America
prosperity to our Nation; illuminate those who govern us so that they may commit themselves to the common good Give courage to those who, in spiritual combat, fight the good fight as soldiers of Christ against
- President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks in Houston, Texas - 11/2/23
It took us ten years to build the Gerald Ford Aircraft Carrier. >>19850501, >>19850483 President Trump
- Miles Guo Arrested for orchestrating $1B Dollar Fraud Conspiracy
Good thing Trump didn't take Pres.
- “The Election Was Not Stolen. Trump Lost It.” – Former AG Bill Barr Bashes President Trump
Trump and Claims 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen >Bill Barr came into the Trump Administration and it was good
Don't worry this is really easy to do, and if you don't get good results it takes a second to revert Have a good /NightShift/ Anonymous 01/12/21 (Tue) 03:52:40 000000 (51) No.12478438 >>12478411 >>12478156 DNScrypt is a good idea, too. May want to disable router DNS if you have a good DNS setup in your network. If you know your way around, pihole does a good job in this regard.
- "We're going to forensically audit every county that has used these machines" Wendy Rogers
The Country To Fight For Audits Legislators From All 50 States Come Together Against Election Fraud Good
- US Naval Institute - USS Comfort - #NationalMuttDay
Injection good. Q
- Another day, another hate hoax.
The criminals spray-painted swastika symbols and a KKK hood on cars and broke car windows.
side, we're doing this together, we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the warmongers and fools side, we're doing this together, we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the warmongers and fools
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