495 items found for ""Letitia james""
- An Exercise in Logic re: Vaccines and Mandates
I have seen top tier athletes fall out, and I have watched the same people I seek to expose with this Covid is over when we stop playing their game. interest in getting vaxxed as a relatively healthy individual who has not bought into the Coronavirus game nuremberg-trials and here https://www.qnotables.com/post/the-new-nuremberg-trials-2021 Questions that came
- News unlocks. You have more than you know.
I do not desire fame or fortune. I only want a fair and just society for myself and my children. One in which traitors and and evil people are held to the same standard as the lowest of society.
- Tucker presses Ted Cruz for using the leftist term terrorist in reference to 1.6.21
https://t.co/IoqXXbtelo Ted Cruz's comments also came up at the hearing today - Thanks for the good laugh
- Is It Wet Yet - Newsletter from Jim Watkins
Deceptive and devilish never came to mind as he continued to work his way through the Ds. When she came to a stop in front of Danny, she fell. It was a gloriously clumsy wipe-out.
- Russia publishes data on foreign mercenaries in Ukraine
“They came to Ukraine to earn money by killing Slavs.
- Arizona Rally Eli Crane and Ron Watkins
Particularly noteworthy, in that regard was Ric Grenell who came on stage earlier in the evening to make I understand the numbers game, and I look to President Trump for guidance.
- US Evacuates CIA Station in Kiev - Comms
(Wed) 15:25:35 84c6ea (14) No.15643809 CIA Thank you for past visits and sharing your love of the game
- Tucker Reads Viral Thread on Election 2020
Ranked voting crap they came up with. They had to do an investigation. The same investigating they keep saying is un-democratic, racist and disenfranchising. The N.Y.C. The second number included the full ranked-choice tallies of those same ballots and, to the shock of A few hours later, the explanation came out, and it was a doozy, even by the board’s degraded standards
- Federal appeals court reinstates Biden's vaccine/testing mandate for large companies.
Majority: Judges Julia Gibbons (GW Bush), Jane Stranch (Obama). Dissent: Joan Larsen (Trump). mandate on private employers over 100 ppl to take effect Majority: Judges Julia Gibbons (GW Bush), Jane
- A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year
Over the past year-plus, athletes across the world have been dropping like flies as they compete in games
- Anonymous donor from 'out of town' pays for funerals of ALL 20 Tennessee flash flooding victims
The donations came as hundreds of thousands of dollars flowed into the community from donors across the morning, at least 21 people were killed and 10 others missing as a result of catastrophic floods that came
- Maxwell claims her and Jeffrey Epstein were spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians
2nd-circuit-court-of-appeals/ https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2011/03/31/president-obama-names-alison-j-nathan-nominee-united-states-district-cou ghislaine-maxwell-entertainment-lifestyle-virginia-prince-andrew-60348f70fd605c26c26615ffc5ed5f14 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/james-comeys-daughter-involved-lost-video-jeffrey-epsteins-alleged-first-suicide-attempt-now-legal-team-prosecuting-ghislaine-maxwell
- Case Law to Study
Sometimes I wonder if this is how Hitler came to power – we very much appreciate your prayers! Trying to impeach a president, with a week left in his term, is never legitimate and is nothing more He added, “Congressman Rice’s vote unfortunately played right into the Democrats’ game, and the people The new legislation would define key terms left unclear in the original War Powers Resolution, namely
- The Calm Before the Storm - Learn our History - Kids
Found this interesting, it came in the mail for my kids. https://learnourhistory.com/ 6 OCT 2017-
- DC Left wing Terrorism and Revelations
Terrorists Harass and Assault Diners at DC Restaurants Antifa BLM Protestors Assault Trump Supporters Who Came to Town for the Maga Million March Assault Trump Supporters Who Came to Town for the Maga Million March
- ABC News Censors RFK Jr During Primetime Interview, Citing 'False Claims' re Vax
I'm certain that ABC’s decision to censor came as a shock to Linsey as well.
- DC “insiders” buzzing about NSPM-13
National Security Presidential Memorandum-13 (NSPM-13) came into effect in 2018, following a National
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