33 items found for ""Petroleum" or "Keystone""
- Lord Malloch Brown
Note the weird tree on her right and the Keystone window on her left Anonymous 11/12/20 (Thu) 02:02:05
- When Truckers Shut Down America in 1973 to Protest Oil Prices—and Became Folk Heroes
Midwest to New York had become an agonizing slog because an oil embargo—levied by the Middle Eastern petroleum-producing
- LA County schools cancel vaxx mandates, but teachers unions force more than 2000 closures
School leaders in Portland, Ore., tabled discussion this fall amid vigorous pushback, while New York
- President Trump Speaks at CPAC Full Notes
PDJT says Bidan canceled the Keystone pipeline while approving the Russian pipeline.
- US Software Firm Accuses Huawei Of Installing "Back Door" To Spy On Pakistan
Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) wrote a letter to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging
- Supreme Court Rejects Bid for Public Access to Rulings From Secretive FISA Court
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) added.
- Missile hits the Kharkiv Government Regional Administration Building
have the private military companies—fighters and instructors from Letera-43 from Italy, Halo Trust, Greystone
- 6130-6139 LOAF
POTUS letter to NP today, re abortion >>4809902, >>4810119, >>4810271 new GWB IG, delivers pizza to SS (keystone
- Notables 14030 - 14039
anons can't see discussion >>10968617, >>10968653 PF >>10968314 NEW PDJT >>10968106 Colombia is the keystone
- Notables 14030-14039
anons can't see discussion >>10968617, >>10968653 PF >>10968314 NEW PDJT >>10968106 Colombia is the keystone
- Grand Coulee Dam Incident
Army Corps of Engineers in Portland, Ore.
- Biden's Destruction of America
Shut down Keystone pipeline 11,000 direct jobs and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs 27.
- Impressive List - Trump Administration Accomplishments
Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Negotiated leasing capacity in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Australia, providing American taxpayers Resolved the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) oil crisis during COVID-19 by Directed the Department of Energy to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to mitigate market volatility
- Notables 13810-13819 [Complete]
>>10796270 British Petroleum (BP) - the Rothschilds - ran Alaskan politics until Trump was elected.
- Save the Children
Storrer, 25, of Ordway David Griego, 27, of Pueblo Christopher Heuston, 34, of Salida Ritchie Mao Khov
- Notables 14029-14020
>>10962248 graphic about how /comms bakers delete notables >>10962279 Moran, R-Kansas, and Wyden, D-Ore
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