482 items found for "food"
- Election Day Issues - Running Thread Check Back or add below
Also Steve Bannon's War Room did a really good job as well. This is definitely not all of them. the-steal-is-on-in-pennsylvania-poll-watchers-denied-access-illegal-campaigning-at-polling-locations/ Flooding
- "Clap for That You Stupid Bastards" - Joe Biden Video Resurfaces
Weirder still, he’s asking them to clap for his good judgment in hiring someone they know. insult at them because he was expecting applause to break out spontaneously after he bragged about his good
- Brooklyn Subway Shooter and Black Supremacist Frank James Charged with Federal Terrorism Offense
@DonaldJTrumpJr Why do the security cameras never seem to work when the reality of the crime isn’t good
- LDR Gives An Interview on Capitalism
The mantra at that time, that was not said disparagingly, was “Greed is good.” “Greed is good” was never a concept for Adam Smith. You had every reason to believe that there was a sense of the common good. that in his four years in office, only one C.E.O. asked to go and see him about an issue of the common good
- Vote Trump-endorsed Mike Carey in the Republican primary in Ohio's 15th this Tuesday.
Ron Hood 9%, State Sen. Bob Peterson 8%, and State Sen. Stephanie Kunze 5%.
- Supreme Court Rules Asylum Applicants Bear Burden of Proof, Reversing Ninth Circuit
Dai said he lost his job, his wife was demoted, and his daughter was denied admission to good schools
On the wall is a 60-foot-long inscription, in 15-inch letters made from the steel of the twin towers: think they can." – Virgil 3.Sep 7th 2012 - 10:48:16 AM EST 68 9 Show The Republicans must get Virgil Goode
- Kari Lake obliterates the 'Election Denier' narrative smears by hypocritical Democrats
Thankyou anons score another one for the good guys, never forget that everything we do here matters!
- Afghan Government has Fallen
-Tapper: rapid crumbling of Afg hasd caught the Biden WH flat-footed - Power out in Kabul.
- Nearly There Shipmates Ye…….
and attack force commander usually will arrive at two or more possible courses of action which offer good
- YT uploads
Don Jr on Georgia Importance Of Get out the Vote Messaging This is an interesting larger story here Good
- Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats.
- Liz Wheeler - LEAKED: Decision Overturning Roe
Its the topic where the fight of Good and evil, at the physical, the moral and the spiritual level, comes
- Here Are The Democrats Who Have Expressed Support For Some Kind Of A Border Barrier
border wall proposal includes fencing in highly-trafficked areas, concrete walls in areas prone to flooding
In December of 2019, Media Matters donated $950,000 to The Good Land Committee, Inc., which was the host
- More Dominion: User Manual Shows Many Security Flaws
in Dominion ImageCast Evolution voting machine The Dominion ImageCast Evolution looks like a pretty good
- DJT - The USA is going to Hell. Am I supposed to be happy?
There is sooo much evidence, but the Unselects don’t want it seen in any way, shape, or form - and for good
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