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597 items found for "Border"

  • Texas Governor Orders 6 Points Of Entry Along Border Shut Down

    town of Del Rio and warning there is “virtually no border” as migrants cross the border at will. Right now, there is virtually no border in Del Rio. Customs and Border Protection requested help from Texas to close ports of entry and secure the border “The border crisis is so dire that the U.S.

  • Statement by Donald J. Trump, Southern Border Crisis

    Our border is now totally out of control thanks to the disastrous leadership of Joe Biden. Our great Border Patrol and ICE agents have been disrespected, demeaned, and mocked by the Biden Administration When I left office, we had achieved the most secure border in our country’s history. There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now but more importantly, what You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed.

  • Biden Should Take a Cognitive Test- Trump Border Visit

    aa3e5e (20) No.14026545 Half A Million Illegals Crossed Since Harris Named Border "Czar" Tyler Durden's Photo by Tyler Durden

  • Trump in pre-recorded rebuttal, takes aim at Biden border crisis, floundering US economy

    Trump in pre-recorded rebuttal, takes aim at Biden border crisis, floundering US economy

  • President Trump visits US - Mexico Border Wall

    White house Live-Stream never went live President Trump thanks Law Enforcement at the Southern Border with Mexico, known as the Migrant Protection Protocols President Trump touts 450 miles of completed Border Wall President Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden President Trump inherited a dangerously lawless border from Obama and Biden President Trump addresses the events of last week Big Tech: “They have made a terrible mistake” President Trump speaks before his trip to the Southern Border

  • Border Patrol to fire up to 5K agents over vaccine mandate

    -5k-agents-over-vaccine-mandate/ Border Patrol to fire up to 5K agents over vaccine mandate U.S. Border Patrol plans to fire agents who don’t receive the COVID-19 vaccine. “Think of how many people, like on the border, Border Patrol. How many of these Border Patrol agents are going to separate? crisis along your border.”

  • Arizona Border Agents Seize 1.2 Million Fentanyl Pills, 4 Pounds of Fentanyl Powder

    Anonymous 12/30/22 (Fri) 13:10:30 695252 (2) No.18042095 Arizona Border Agents Seize 1.2 Million Fentanyl Pills, 4 Pounds of Fentanyl Powder Border Patrol agents at the Port of Nogales in Arizona seized over pills and 4 pounds of fentanyl powder on Dec. 28, officials said.

  • Here Are The Democrats Who Have Expressed Support For Some Kind Of A Border Barrier Here Are The Democrats Who Have Expressed Support For Some Kind Of A Border Barrier As Democratic leadership refuses to give President The partial government shutdown over border security is now in its fourth week, as Democrats refuse to At most, Democratic leaders have offered just $1.6 billion for “border security” and nothing for the states whose constituents support a physical border barrier.

  • North and South Korea Re-Open Cross Border Communication Line

    Breaking911 @Breaking911 BREAKING: North & South Korea reopen cross-border communication line; Leaders From June

  • Biden Regime to Pay $450K to Illegal Alien Families ‘Separated’ at Border in 2018

    (13) No.14874228 Biden Regime to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Illegal Alien Families ‘Separated’ at Border working to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars to illegal alien families that were ‘separated’ at the border Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included

  • 9000-strong migrant caravan streaming to US-Mexico border

    Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants are reportedly trekking toward the Mexican border Full

  • 239,416 People Illegally Crossed The Southern Border in May - Highest Monthly Number Ever Recorded

    .16453844 239,416 migrants crossed the southwest border

  • Biden Spending Millions per Day to Halt Border Wall Construction

    Post 13269748 5 hours ago • View on 8kun Biden Spending Millions per Day to Halt Border Wall Construction progress on the border wall so individual contracts could be evaluated. Customs and Border Protection. Other problems appearing along the border may be taking precedent over the status of the border wall

  • Harris to Visit Border Facilities After President Trump Announces Upcoming Visit

    106463112602201390 Thank you President Trump for getting Vice President Harris to finally go to the southern border Kamala Harris is set to visit the border https :// Anonymous 06/23/21 Customs and Border Protection show that more than 78,000 unaccompanied alien children were apprehended by Border Patrol agents in Fiscal Year 21 through the end of May.

  • Biden’s Order to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Construction Will Be Costly and Also It’s Likely Illegal

    Post 12733212 1 hour ago • View on 8kun / Biden’s Order to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Construction Will Be Costly and Also It’s Likely Illegal President Biden’s directive pausing border wall construction is probably illegal, several experts told

  • Veteran and Triple Amputee Brian Kolfage Built 4 Miles of Border Wall with $25 Million in Donations

    /22 (Thu) 21:24:40 ce614c (8) No.16173682 Veteran and Triple Amputee Brian Kolfage Built 4 Miles of Border

  • Texas Reportedly Unveils Its Own Border Fence That Will 'Cut the Feds Out of the Equation'

    Greg Abbott has reportedly launched the construction of his state’s own fence along the southern border in an effort to slow the border crisis and “cut the feds out of the equation.” Instead of calling Border Patrol, they will take migrants to jail for violating Texas law.” /texas-reportedly-unveils-border-fence-will-cut-feds-equation/ Anonymous 07/20/21 (Tue) 16:24:23 5685d6

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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