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597 items found for "Border"

  • Rainbow Bridge Toll Booth Explosion

    Border. It is currently unknown if anyone has been killed or injured. All four international border crossings between the US and Canada in Western New York have been shut Rainbow Bridge has been closed to all traffic amid reports of a vehicle explosion just outside the border

  • Judge orders Epstein documents be unsealed This black book .pdf was archived from the /qr/ boards while the Epstein trial in 2019. No

  • LIVE: President Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire - 1/20/24

    ) No.20273870 >>20275320 President Trump: On Day One of my new administration, I will shut down the border That's what's happening on our border…we're taking in people that shouldn't be in our country. We have to destroy; you know, its war. >>20275432 President Trump: Nikki Haley opposed my border wall very strongly; she condemned my strong border policies. >>20275478 President Trump: By the way, what

  • Shocking Video Reveals Democrats Stuffed Nearly 3,000 Illegals Into Chicago Warehouse

    This comes as the US southern border continues to spiral out of control as disastrous open border policies

  • Illegal Immigrant from Venezuela killed nursing student on UGA campus in Athens, GA

    For Laken, and the countless many others lost to this border catastrophe, House Republicans will continue to fight tooth and nail for a return to law and order. President, use your existing statutory authority and CLOSE THE BORDER! Joe Biden's failed policies have turned every state into a border state, and I'm demanding information

  • President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23

    Furthermore, Biden's open borders policy allows for an influx of individuals, including criminals and Additionally, President Donald Trump highlights their achievements in securing the border, including the construction of almost 500 miles of border wall and the cooperation with Mexico. They mention the success in reducing illegal border crossings and deporting gang members, particularly President Donald Trump emphasizes the importance of strong borders and fair elections, proposing the

  • President Trump at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa - 12/19/23

    economy will be roaring back, energy prices will be plummeting, the hordes of people charging across our border President Trump: Yesterday we had a single-highest day record of illegal border They dump em on the border, and they pour into our country, and nobody's there to check 'em. And the Border Patrol is incredible by the way, they want to do it, but they're told not to do their President Trump: This week, the Biden administration closed two vital railway crossings, so that border

  • President Trump Slams Biden for Getting Rid of Title 42

    : Thousands of Haitians are forming in Mexico across from McAllen, TX waiting to storm the southern border - Title 42 is set to expire at midnight. - Border cities are declaring state of emergencies. - Abbott has deployed 10,000 National Guard members. - Border Patrol and CBP leadership have agreed to begin


    President Trump: Under Biden, you have the highest number of illegal border crossings in the history victory will immediately begin stopping the hordes of illegal alien migrants who are charging across our border Before we defend the borders of foreign countries, we have to get our act together. President Trump: In Texas, we won the state of Texas, and all the border towns voted for Trump, and they've about eighty-five, ninety percent Hispanic, and won every single town along the border.

  • President Donald J. Trump Holds Caucus Rally in Las Vegas

    attack in the United States … >>20313928 DJT: Unbelievably, rather than helping Texas to build our border 20314028, >>20314055 DJT: [cognitive test question given to President Trump] >>20314019 DJT: The so-called border

  • Sara Carter interviews Central American Smugglers- Sex trafficking and Organ Harvesting of Children

    alleged cocaine, with an estimated street value of over $11.8 million, was seized at the US-Mexico border (CNN)A shipment of baby wipes at the US-Mexico border turned out to be something quite different: $11.8 US Customs and Border Protection officers seized the narcotics Friday at the Colombia-Solidarity Bridge "This seizure is a prime example of border security management and how it helps prevent dangerous narcotics

  • JTN - President Trump calls for return to paper ballots, end of no-excuses mail-in voting

    Immigration and the border. they are largely affected by it, not only the economic, financial, and inflation and now its the worst border in the world. No third world country would allow their borders to operate like ours are. Border - q=border&type=blogs We were about to supply the world with energy exports. 2x(Russia+SA) Green Energy

  • A Dem lawmaker admits ON CAMERA they’re importing third world illegals to stay in power…

    NY Congresswoman Clarke (D) saying the quiet part out loud about the border: "I need more people in my

  • State Department Issues Level 4 Travel Warnings For Russia And Ukraine

    Department Issues Level 4 Travel Warnings For Russia And Ukraine The U.S. federal government on Sunday ordered The Russia advisory said, “Do not travel to Russia due to ongoing tension along the border with Ukraine “Due to Russia’s heightened military presence and ongoing military exercises along the border region U.S. citizens located in or considering travel to the districts of the Russian Federation immediately bordering Ukraine should be aware that the situation along the border is unpredictable and there is heightened

  • Mexican president demands $20B, work permits for 10M Hispanics in exchange for immigration help

    -Mexico border.

  • DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home

    No.14835377 DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home The southern border with Mexico is seeing the highest levels of illegal border crossings in 35 years, but the Department This week, data released by US Customs and Border Protection revealed that [1.7] million migrants have crossed the border in FY 2021, the highest number since 1986.

  • President Trump in Rochester, NH 1/21/24

    President Trump: Our movement is pro-borders, pro-jobs, pro-freedom,and one hundred percent pro-America President Trump: As soon as I lift my hand from the Bible as your forty-seventh president, I will seal the border start an energy revolution. >>20280000 President Trump: Nikki Haley, globalist, will never secure the border stop the Fentanyl that is killing thousands of New Hampshire citizens…you know, she fought me on the border

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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