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597 items found for "Border"

  • "Is This The Death Of The Dollar?"

    >The US needs to abandon global empire, close its borders, end the wars, end the Fed, end the IRS, enact

  • US Charged With Trying To Provoke Russian Military Action At UN: "You Want It To Happen"

    Security Council debate Monday, which was urged by the US but slammed by Russia as a publicity stunt - in order Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield accused Russia of not just building up forces near the Ukrainian border seen evidence that Russia intends to expand that presence to more than 30,000 troops near the Belarus border Imagine how uncomfortable you would be if you had 100,000 troops sitting on your border in the way that these troops are sitting on the border with Ukraine," she said.

  • Steven Miller Excoriates the $40 Billion Ukraine Mililtary Transfer and the baby Formula Shortage

    🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Congresswoman Kat Cammack says pallets and pallets of Baby Formula being sent to Border Facilities Meanwhile American Mothers Struggle to find Baby Formula An Anonymous Border Patrol agent


    4 Anonymous 10/29/23 (Sun) 16:57:39 16e315 (55) No.19825893 President Trump: Under Crooked Joe, our borders President Trump: We ran it tough [border], and we ran it smart. Anonymous 10/29/23 (Sun) 17:28:13 1e8d9c (7) No.19826158 President Trump: Under Crooked Joe, our borders President Trump: We ran it tough [border], and we ran it smart.

  • Super Tuesday Preview Special with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago

    President Trump: We're gonna close up the border, and we're going to have a big deportation, and we're President Trump: Who would want open borders? -> LIGHT NICE OPTICS TWEETER …………………………………………………………………… First time I noticed was when he was at the border

  • Merry Christmas To All

    but none of which are as evil and “sick” as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders

  • President Trump gag order lifted in civil fraud trial

    PANIC at MSNBC President Trump gag order lifted in civil fraud trial

  • Indiana AG says office is probing doctor over whether she reported the rape of 10-year-old Ohio girl

    situation may never have unfolded if the Biden administration were serious about protecting the country's borders "This is an illegal immigration issue because ... of Biden’s lawlessness at the border and everything It is because of incidents like this one, he explained, that Indiana "as a non-border state has filed

  • Dan Ball One-On-One With President Donald J. Trump, 7/13/22

    Trump, 7/13/22 REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball Talks January 6th Hoax, Bidenflation, The Border Invasion & More

  • LIVE: President Trump in Mason City, IA

    stood up to the Deep State, the globalists, the warmongers, the Wall Street special interests, the open borders did before. >>20191700 President Trump: Looks at these scenes of millions of people coming across our border And now you have people just pouring across the border. >>20191862 President Trump: Sadly, the establishment

  • Ron Watkins' First Arizona Election Debate

    Yates urges people to move on and does not think election was stolen - Border wall is the biggest issue Ron has spoken to Border Patrol. Biggest Issue is funding. Narcotics and Children being trafficked. Blackman downplays border issues and continues to punch at Rons lack of gov experience. communism but many nationalities from all over the world are coming to Mexico and taking advantage of our border

  • General Flynn discusses the New World Order

    36) [Preview] No.22082 General Flynn discusses the New World Order “These people are looking at a global reset, a New World Order, run by a globalist elite governing body

  • Doug Ford messed with the wrong Truckers

    TEAMSTERS DENOUNCE FREEDOM CONVOY BLOCKADE AT CANADIAN BORDER February 10, 2022 WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, Jim Hoffa regarding the ongoing blockade by the Freedom Convoy protest at the United States-Canada border “The Teamsters Union denounces the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest at the Canadian border that continues

  • SOUTHCOM to Conduct Flight Over Guyana

    This comes as Guyanese military helicopter carrying senior officials VANISHES near border with Venezuela

  • Project Veritas Obtains Never-Before-Seen Images Inside Texas Detention Facility … Illegal Immigrant

    project-veritas-obtains-never-before-seen-images-inside-texas-detention/ (Video At Link ) Just over a month ago, Customs and Border this 185,000 square foot facility in Donna, Texas to house countless migrants who come across the border The Biden administration continues to allege that the border crisis is not out of their control. Homeland Security has leaked documents warning of a Central American-based caravan headed to the U.S. border

  • Manipulating Masses - Echoing Dreams and Fears - CMZ

    enemy, and even more, embodying them, grants you an influencing power that transcends geographical borders

  • DC Mayor Muriel Bowser requests National Guard help after busloads of migrants cause ‘crisis’

Ghost in the machine PSYWAR logo from Special Operations video. ART OF WAR Fifth Gen Warfare
Now playing videos, some of the most notable moments.
Make America Great Again, Trumps iconic red MAGA hat links to an historic video release of the J6 political prisioners singing from jail
Pepe the Frog, a controversial character from chan culture that has been maligned without proper context. A library of my favorites.




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