67 items found for "Deperno"
- Deperno Drops Bombshell at Michigan Press Conference
Matt DePerno at his Michigan press conference just announced they discovered that the tabulator machines
- Attorney Matt DePerno: A Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov
They knew. https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/638 Attorney Matt DePerno: A Security Breach of Election Registration Attorney Matt DePerno reported this morning on the Bannon War Room that there was a security breach of According to Attorney Matt DePerno, there was a security breach of the registration servers in Arizona https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/attorney-matt-deperno-security-breach-election-registration-servers-occurred-nov
- Atty Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Machines CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden --NOT HUMAN ERROR!
Attorney Matthew DePerno CONFIRMS Dominion Voting Machines CHANGED VOTES From Trump to Biden -- IT WAS
- Antrim County plaintiffs to introduce new evidence on voting systems
-OAN Michigan Constitutional Attorney DePerno releases expert exhibit, which claims to have cracked In court filings, DePerno alleges his expert, Jeff Lenberg, conducted tests that “replicate the vote DePerno asserts these errors run counter to the “human error” narrative https://www.depernolaw.com/uploads
- President Donald J. Trump in Warren, MI 10.1.2022
Dixon - https://www.tudordixon.com/ Running mate - Lt Gov Shane Hernandez Taking on Gretchen Matt Deperno q=Deperno&type=blogs Kristina Karamo https://kristinakaramo.com/ John James https://johnjamesmi.com/
- Same Suspicious SQL Software Discovered in MI Found in PA - Dominion
This is the same software Michigan Attorney Matthew Deperno’s expert found on the Dominion machines as Attorney DePerno reported on the unapproved SQL software was ALSO on the Michigan County machines! On May 3, 2021, Attorney Matthew DePerno posted a court briefing alleging the election had been hacked DePerno pointed to the presence of a deliberately installed, unapproved-for-election-systems software
- WOW!! MICHIGAN EVIDENCE IS INSANE - Bill Bailey of Antrim Co to go over EXPLOSIVE evidentiary
Joined tonight by Matt Deperno and Bill Bailey of Antrim Co to go over EXPLOSIVE evidentiary...... Found on Rumble Tonight we sit down with Matt Deperno and Bill Bailey of the Antrim County Michigan case paper tapes off the machines reveal a different number than the number of people who voted. (8) Matt Deperno has proven the election was not secure and JOE BIDEN ISN'T PRESIDENT. depernolaw.com Antrim Country
- The Deep Rig Movie - Now Free
America Project (FLYNN) - All rights reserved - FAQ - Terms - Privacy Patrick Byrne Michael Flynn, Matt Deperno
- BREAKING: Wisconsin Officially Launches Audit of 2020 Election
Deperno booms incoming Post 54169 7 hours ago • View on 8kun Ok Anons, BOOOMS are incoming on this twatter account, check it https://twitter.com/mdeperno
- Michigan Rally Demanding Forensic Audit - 10/12/2021
pulling clips right now while feeds are still available stand by https://youtu.be/TDsCMCixQo4 Matt Deperno
- Modem Chips Embedded in Voting System Computer Motherboards
That’s why the following discovery unearthed by Attorney Matt DePerno during his investigation into Antrim That’s why the following discovery unearthed by Attorney Matt DePerno during his investigation into
- Another Michigan Lawmaker Requests Forensic Audit of 2020 Election
The report did mention Matt DePerno, the courageous attorney who agreed to represent Plaintiff William
- Former Detroit Police Chief and Gubernatorial Candidate James Craig Calls For Forensic Audit of 2020
conservative rock-star Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State and Antrim County Constitutional Attorney Matt DePerno
- Q Research General #20431: Will there be "Musk-ateers?" Edition
Trump: “Congratulations to Matt DePerno and Kristina Karamo on their tremendous victories on Saturday
- Fox News Runs Disclaimer: "The Voting Companies Have Denied The Various Allegations..."
dominion-and-antrim-county-forensic-audit-dot-connecting-kevin-mccullough https://www.qnotables.com/post/atty-matthew-deperno-confirms-dominion-machines-changed-votes-from-trump-to-biden-not-human-error
- Buttigieg Announces Biden Plan is to Create Increased Dependency State and Apply Socialist Economics
.16402259 Remarkable Admission, Pete Buttigieg Announces Biden Inflation Plan is to Create Increased Dependency 2022/06/05/remarkable-admission-pete-buttigieg-announces-biden-inflation-plan-is-to-create-increased-dependency-state-and-apply-socialist-economics-biden-led-govt-to-provide-medicine-childcare-housing-and-fo
- De Blasio's Pitch To Unvaxxed: 'Your Paycheck Depends On It' And So Does 'Your Ability To Enjoy Life
Anonymous 12/17/21 (Fri) 19:39:31 a80fa7 (21) No.15210460 De Blasio's Pitch To Unvaxxed: 'Your Paycheck Depends into getting vaccinated for coronavirus. https://nationalfile.com/de-blasios-pitch-unvaxxed-paycheck-depends-ability-enjoy-life
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